Kin 205: Red Planetary Serpent codes Self-Existing Limi 13: Cube 7: Accomplishment

Red Planetary Serpent

Red Planetary Skywalker
Blue Planetary Eagle Red Planetary Serpent White Planetary Wizard
  Yellow Self-existing Warrior
I Perfect in order to Survive,  Producing Instinct.
I seal the store of Life Force
with the Planetary tone of Manifestation.
I am guided by the power of Space.
Happy Galactic Return to  Moi Planetary Serpent  🙂   Planetary Serpent is Valum Votan’s Long Count Signature.  Kin 205’s G-Force is Kin 83 Overtone Night.  Self-Existing 13  corresponds to PSI Spectral Night.  This is the 13th day of Moon 4which is coded by 13.4.   
Postulate 5.10The entry into the biosphere-noosphere transition is a precisely timed and profoundly evolutionary moment in which the spiral toward full spiritual evolution is universalized. The immediate consequence of conscious realignment with the Law of Time and the autoregulatory mechanism of the biosphere, the psi bank, is the magnetic stabilization of the species and the biopsychic triggering of the circumpolar rings defining Earth’s electromagnetic field.”  Thank You Ygraine  🙂
 So many wonderful comments were received from Christine Electric Skywalker since yesterday’s post, and  bothReimar Cosmic Night and James Galactic Seed sent  beautiful ones this morning.   Heartfelt Gratitude for yoUR synchronistically-timed  contributions which arrived as this milestone post was manifesting. 
 2013 and the Mystery Queen began one Solar Spin (365 /kins) and one Noosphere Constant (79 kins) (444 days) ago,  on August 12, 2009 (PSI 13.13).   This is the 441 st post  🙂
8/12/09 was  Madame BlavatsKEY‘s 178 th Solar Birthday.  178 also can be interpreted as  17.8 Galactic Earth, whose G-Force is Crystal MonKEY, which is H.P. BlavatsKEY’s Galactic Signature. 
8/12, her Solar Birthdate   contains 2 of the 3 numbers associated with the Cube.  On page 128,  ‘Book of the Timespace”  states:  “The Cube has 6 sides,  8 corners and 12 edges“.  “Quaranic cosmology says that on the day of Resurrection, 8 angels will support the throne, and on that day, the 12th” successor to Muhammed will be revealed.
The final supermental projection of the Cube is the 441 Matrix–Hunab Ku 21“…This 441 Cube Matrix contains a basic grammar of Telepathy condensed into a set of 441 numbers.  These 441 frequencies constitute the resonant building blocks of the Second Creation”.  [page 136 of CHC vol 6]

The birthdate of this blog was coded by Hunab Ku Kin 21Galactic Dragon.    1.8 plus 20.13 = 21.21  🙂
 The Long Count today is Cosmic Warrior (16.13) which, when added to Planetary Serpent (5.10) equals 21.23:  
                              HUNAB KU  toned’ by  ‘The Lover’s Reunion’.
Galaxies - The Milky Way

Image Preview
  OUR pURpose is to reunite with Hunab Ku, “One Giver of Moment and Measure

On 21/21/2012, we will be perfectly aligned with The HEART of Hunab Ku.
The Heart of oUR Galaxy is ‘mistakenly thought of as a black hole.’  According to page 119 of “Book of Transcendence”, it is actually an interdimensional portal’  🙂
“Here is received the transmission of the sole atom, downloading higher higher-dimensional programs and broadcasting them out…into tens of billions of stars, each holding a note, a resonant frequency, in a Galactic Symphony that only God could possibly hear.”  🙂  Hunab Ku is also a reflex of a Divine cosmological command of unity.”, the Ultimate Lover’s Reunion.
{After writing the preceding words, TMQ went out into the sunshine, to further contemplate them.  She noticed a  ‘SOLE’ daisy, growing in a planter of fuschias.  Amazingly, it has 13 white petals  emanting from its golden core!  :)}
The human represents the intentional thinking element of the Cosmos”. {p. 107}   The Sole Atom is called a Quantinomio Citibarico, and we have one in each of oUR Chakras!
 Today is LIMI 13 SOLAR PLEXUS     
After this 441st post, we’ll have a ‘Noospheric Pause’ (i.e. very brief post) for Silio 14, which happens to end Heptad/Week 14 of Cube Year 14:  Timelessness

 This will give Kin time to peruse and/or respond to the recent comments, which include some great links, and for TMQ to prepare her talk for Blue Crystal Hand.     Let’s all take time on SILIO  to be fully in oUR  HEART Chakras,   James spoke for many of us in his comment today,   and  now is a great time to be sending Love and Energy to each other.  The more we empower and Love  oUR selves and each other, the more effective oUR 441 Cube of Truth becomes.
peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - catalyst of peace
During  the Blue Transformative week, we’ll begin exploring the Synchro-Galactic Yoga practices corresponding to oUR 7 Chakras,  which will ultimately reunite us with the HEART of oUR Galaxy  🙂

N. S.  1. 23. 4. 13.    Cube Seven:  ACCOMPLISHMENT     post  441  🙂    

These are from Valum Votan’s “260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time and the  Evolution of Time as Consciousness

6 thoughts on “Kin 205: Red Planetary Serpent codes Self-Existing Limi 13: Cube 7: Accomplishment

  1. Postulate 5.10

    The entry into the biosphere-noosphere transition is a precisely timed and profoundly evolutionary moment in which the spiral toward full spiritual evolution is universalized. The immediate consequence of conscious realignment with the Law of Time and the autoregulatory mechanism of the biosphere, the psi bank, is the meanetic stabilization of the species and the biopsychic triggering of the circumpolar rings defining Earth’s electromagnetic field.

    • Sorry ..typo..

      “…the autoregulatory mechanism of the biosphere, the psi bank, is the
      MAGNETIC stabilization..”

  2. I’ve been on a journey into my past since October 18th. At Mt. Shasta retreat with White Wolf Journeys we experienced the singing crystal bowls and I communed with the wildlife. There was a swan across the lake and I called her to me. She came and this is the result of that journey: I dreamed of a lightning bolt and the next day met Blue Magnetic Storm by the name of Shasta Faerie.

    Now I am in Colorado and the lightning touched off a fire in Boulder Canyon that continues to burn. Today I will meet with an ex-lover whom I haven’t seen for many years since I left Colorado for Maui 23 years ago. It is a Serpent day! Love to you all wherever you may reside. Cheetah Cosmic Serpent

  3. Happy Galactic Return to dear Moi! And well-deserved congratulations on UR great 441st post, dear TMQ ~ another amazing milestone! With gratitude and love to you both and to oUR whole beloved 144-441 Cube of Truth Community… Melovia Crystal Moon

    • Thank you dear Melovia!

      YoUR comment arrived at my e-mail on 12:12 a.m. 🙂 (Not the ‘real time’ as my computer anomalies include e-mail clock being 13 hours off.)

      Namaste, Galactic Mirror

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