P.V. Clear Sign and G.A.P.: Lunar World-Bridger on Moon Day 19, Cube 13

The Ten-in-a-row Galactic Activation Portals begin with the most auspicious day in both  the  Dreamspell/Tzolkin (one of  only 5 days to be a  both G.A.P. and a Pacal Votan Clear Sign) and in the 13 Moon Calendar:  the Moon Day coded by the special numbers  of 19 and 13.  This bodes well for our 10 days in the ‘G.A.P.s’.  These 10 Portal days (of a total of 52 every 260 day Galactic Spin) are an opportunity to link and merge with other dimensions and with Cosmic wisdom, ‘re-activating latent inner knowledge lying hidden within our D.N.A’.  The structure of the G.A.P. days in the Dreamspell matrix even looks like the D.N.A. spiral.

The Affirmation for Kin 106:   White  Lunar World-Bridger is:  “I Polarize in order to Equalize.  Stabilizing Opportunity, I seal the store of  Death with the Lunar tone of Challenge.  I am guided by the power of Endlessness.  I am a galactic Activation Portal.  Enter me.” 

Radial Plasma Type 5; Yellow ALPHA, RELEASES, and it gathers in our Throat Chakra.  Focus there as you say the sacred words for Alpha:  “My Country is the Ultimate Unborn Sphere.  I Release the Double-Extended Electron at the South Pole.”  Today we build the Right side of the Cube.

Moon Day 19 correlates to Seal Six and Kin 149, Red Rhythmic Moon.  “Blue Self-Existing Storm- (which codes the Heart Oracle for the Lord of Time we are awakening this year)-13 Moons Peace way of universal telepathy becomes the path of biospheric restoration.” This day/card also is related to ‘The White Horse’, presumably the one represented on a hillside in England, and  the site of many crop circles.

CUBE THIRTEEN:  PROPHECY  “By my continuing conscious Sky-Walker Power of Prophecy, may Prophecy purify the Victory of the 13 Moons Way as the triumph of the Religion of Truth.”  “May Peace regenerate the Biosphere!”

Today, the 5th of November, is celebrated here in this Commonwealth Country as Guy Fawkes Day.  The massive fireworks tribute here and in England are probably meant to commemorate the foiling of Guy Fawkes’ plan (known as the Gunpowder Plot) to blow up the English Parliament on November 5th, 1605.  The film “V for Vendetta’ suggests that there are some who “Remember, remember the 5th of November” as a day to pay homage to those who have  the courage  to make a stand against injustice.  Unfortunately, Guy Fawkes chose the way of violence and destruction.

Now that the subject of films has been introduced, here are two others movies to consider.  The film “2012” will soon be released by Hollywood, and it is to be a ‘Disaster’ scenario.  A post on Tortuga.com’s Forum had a good suggestion:  To be present when moviegoes enter or leave the theaters, in order to dispense the ‘antidote’:  13 Moon pocket calendars, and/or sheets of information showing December 21, 2012 as a spiritual opportunity,  to allay the fears and misinformation produced by this film. 

On a more positive note:  The producer of  “The Matrix” and the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy is making a film about the life of  the Prophet, Muhammad.  The new production “will educate people about the true meaning of  Islam.”  The film will chart Muhammads’ life and examine his teachings in “an international epic production aimed at bridging cultures.”  This film is an example of how quickly a shift towards greater  Peace and Unity can happen before the Solstice of 2012.  🙂

N.S.  1.  22. 4. 19

6 thoughts on “P.V. Clear Sign and G.A.P.: Lunar World-Bridger on Moon Day 19, Cube 13

  1. i wondered whether it is todaya ?

    i dont know the reach for the last number here … will you inform me/us, dear TMQ?

    19 is the number of the Quran (Time & Technosphere, José “ArgueLess” 😉 )

    1+22=4+19 = 23 ~ planetary night: “manifestating the dream”


    “V for Vendetta’ catche my focus on the number 22 & 5 …
    V is both character 22 having the A-Z 1-26 map as reference;
    5 having the A-M/Z-N/1-13 map as reference (“the vowing”)

    it gets itself into 110 ~ which is a KIN nearby: rhythmic dog ~ “equalizing love”

    What strikes me is the magic sQuare of Both the 10 GAP day serials at CHargUe(…mentality):

    actually we have 5 boxes that repeat themselves within 50 daya (todaya+49):


    They all give 522 as the KEY SUM … again V & V ~ as Valum Votan!
    (found by Bolon Ik?)

    5×522=2610 as a 9’er
    its fractal is 290 , numerically 11 – holding 11/11 11:11:11 as a V, a 5’er

    and 5 is in each Hand, both Feet ~ in’Lakech álá Kin(GalaXY) ~ BiGLauGH

  2. Hi- Thanks for the reminder of today’s New Sirius Date!
    The 1 represents on full cycle (of Sirius B around A) completed in 1987. The 22 represents the number of Solar spins since then, the next number is for the Moon (4), and you are right–the last number is for the Moon day, which is 19 🙂
    V for V.V. whose number is 22, etc. No time at the moment, but Thank You S’ace, for being so vigilant! Are you awake early, or up late? I enjoy your word and number play!

    • Greetings Anna Rhythmic Earth;

      Thank you for your lovely comments, and especially for placing the blog in such a prominent spot on tortuga.com’s site :) Both are greatly appreciated!  I also enjoyed your other recent comments on the tortuga forum. In La’Kesh, Galactic Mirror

  3. Are you awake early, or up late?

    hmmm ~ i work 9 daya a kweek , 24 hours a kin 😉
    i am a noospheric human being present in 3 realms:
    physical ~ telepathic ~ catalytic agency , does that make sense?

    physically a P. gets me to the TMQ diary-ah-erlebnissen …

    ciao! s’ace ~ the vigilant K’night at S’agacity Moods aka BolonIk~Ix9MoonRider
    WUPED advisor to 2+4+1billion people at CMS/Lucknow/India
    integral director Waternet Foundation ~ the Netherlands
    (on pionearing strings highly rewarded in occult registrations)
    jester agent for the coming King “Maximilian !”

    :{ always watch the pitfalls & pull the right rope! }:

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