The 9 Days following the 60th Anniversary of the Opening of Kin 60’s Sarcophagus in his 9-storied Tomb

The 20th day of the 12th Crystal Wizard Moon marked 60 years since the Tomb of Kin 60:  Pacal Votan, was opened on Kin 194:  Crystal Wizard {June 15; 1952}
   Pacal Vot...
Pacal Votan’s incarnation on Earth followed a 104,000 year Samadhi, after he received an alert from the 5th Dimensional Arcturians 
“indicating that the free will experiment in the Milky Way solar system was about to blow if it did not receive higher help. 
“Mahabodhisattvas are angelic orders who choose galactic transmigration.  Bodhisattvic striving is ceaselessly directed toward limitless whole field realization of radiance and luminosity through the entire radially infinite mirror universes of infinite galactic brains and world systems.”
  Dynamics of Time, 18.8
This message was registered in the angelic orders of the Galactic Federation and passed on on the galactic vicinity of velatropa.  The Galactic Maya [mahabodhissatvas] got tapped for the assignment to help clean up Planet Earth, the goal being the attainment of full radial luminosity for all beings on all star systems.”
{Page 113-114 of  CHC 2:  Book of the Avatar by Valum Votan and Stephanie South}
At the end of the Great Pacal’s 80 year incarnation in Palenque, 9 year’s were spent building the elaborately inscribed Tomb, according to Pacal Votan’s precise and detailed instructions.
The Tomb’s Dedication in 692 A.D. was exactly 1260 years before it’s discovery in 1952, and 1320 years before the Closing of the Cycle in 20121260 indicates the artificial timing cycle [of 12 irregular months] imposed upon humanity, and the 1320 Frequency that realigns us with nature and the cosmic cycles.
Pacal’s 9-tiered Tomb was opened 60 years ago, during the 13th year of Pacal Votan’s current incarnation as Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan:  11.11, and on the 342nd day of TMQ’s life as 18.8.  342: {19 x 18, God’s command of 18-dimensional universe}
The following year, atop the Temple of the Sun, a 14-year old Jose Arguelles began to realize his  mission of deciphering the elaborately inscribed Tomb, revealing the 1320 Frequency via the 13 Moons of 28 days, and the [13 x 20=260Dreamspell TzolkinThese were the beginning of a lifetime ofsacred revelations, on behalf of Humanity and Planet Earth.  peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - catalyst of peace
The   60th Anniversary of the Opening of Pacal Votan’s Tomb on 5 Mirror marked the 16 Moon Anniversary of Valum Votan’s Ascension on March 23, 2011.
16 Moons are a fractal of the 16 Day Warrior’s Labyrinth  Journey. “Telektonon, the prophecy of time, demonstrates that the recovery of lost time and power is accomplished telepathically during days 7-22 of every 28-Day Moon“.
Crystal 20;  Cube Fourteen:  Timeslessness: 
Overtone Sun of the Millenium brings on the glory of the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition“.  “…May Victory discharge Prophecy of the 13 Moons Way as the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.” 
The 9 days following the 60 year anniversary on Kin 18 Overtone Mirror are filled with significant events, anniversaries and synchronicities. 
21 appeared as Silio 21, coded by Kin 19:   Divine prime, Command of God, vigesimal analog of 9, in vigesimal code all multiples of 19 = 19, number of Omega dimension – evolution dimension after 2012, consists of 9 layers (9 x 19 = 171), equivalent of 76th (4 x 19) energy dimension, reverse of 19 = 91 = 7 x 13.”
19.19 2013 = 19.6 “The synchronic order of the universe, maintained by the functioning of the Law of Time defines the “Divine Plan”.  Prior to the discovery of the Law of Time, the Divine Plan unfolds in the cosmic unconscious, becoming self-reflectively known to the intelligence of evolving bodies only as “Revelation“.
The following day was a Galactic Activation Portal and a Pacal Votan Clear Sign:  Kin 20:  Resonant Sun 7 Sun  ended the first column of the last Dreamspell Tzolkin of the 13th Baktun, and it began the 4th Yellow Refining week of the Crystal Wizard Moon.  It’s numbers [7 and 20] appear later in this blog. 
June 17th was the 8 year anniversary of the  ‘Time and the Technosphere” 28 Day Moon’ crop circle that appeared 20 miles from TMQ’s home in Benicia, Ca., on 20.12.
 6-17-04-solano-ctycawheat-blog  crop circle Santena Poirino Italy 150x150 Interesting Crop Circle found in Santena near Poirino Italy on June 17, 2012 
The preceding is a photo of the crop circle that appeared in Italy 8 years later, on PVCS 20.7.



The next ‘appearance‘ of Hunab Ku 21 was as Kin 21:  Galactic Dragon
The G-Force of 8 Dragon is 12 Eagle.
The CDK [1.8 + 14.12 + 14.6] is 9.13,  Cosmic Moon.

1.8. “Only in a condition of self reflective being can knowledge of the Law of Time be obtained.  Discovery of the Law of Time defines the stage between mere consciousness, which is moment to moment, and continuing consciousness.  Knowledge of the Law of Time distinguishes the peak mystical experience which is generally individualistic and continuing consciousness, which enters into the telepathically collective.  Continuing conscious is dependent on the mental engagement of the intelligence structures by which fourth-dimensional time is known.

21:   “Unity of Totality (20 + 1), Hunab Ku, basis of 441 21² matrix of the Synchronotron, reverse of 12,…” written 1.1, analog of decimal 11, in vigesimal code products of 21 are double like those of 11 i.e., 9.9 = 9 x 21 (189) just as 99 = 9 x 11, basis of Hunab Ku 21 heptad program of7 gates and 20 daily archetypes,…”

We sadly received news from Christine 133 and Mio 205 that the Galactic Midwife:  Katy O’Leary suddenly passed away in Ashland on 8 Dragon.    Katy’s name = 133, and Moi and Katy both shared the kin 205 that codes Valum Votan in the Long Count.
Katy 10 Serpent furthered the ‘Birth‘ of the 13:20 frequency and ‘noo brain’ through her Facebook page, and more.
     Profile Picture
Hunab Ku 21 was extremely stormy here.  Thunder and lightning electrified the night sky into Kin 21 in the Monkey bio-region, as if to highlight the passing of a very special person.
Galactic Dragon on Crystal 23 also marked two  anniversaries:
Happy First Galactic Return to Noah 8 Dragon, who was born on the last Hunab Ku 21 to Eve 11 Earth and Vernon 13 Dragon Synchronistically,  the Long Count kin was Cosmic Dragon 🙂 
The word NOAH appears in Horizontal 7;  Vertical 20 on the 13 Moon Template on page 210 of CHC 7:  Book of the Cube.  Does anyone noah why? 
Crystal Seli 23 corresponds to the PSI of Rhythmic Moon {combined kin of  11.11 and  18.8} 6 Moon is also the BMU of Valum Votan, according to the Synchronotron system he derived from the 21 x 21 Cube Matrix.
Kin 21 0n Moon 12;  Day 23    
Time:  [H 2;  V: 6 ]Time:  [14 ]+ Space: [11] + Syn:  [22] = Time TFI:  47;  Base:  113
Space: [ H 6;  V 7]   Space [21] + Time [33] +  Syn [46] = Space TFI: 100;  Base: 340
Synchronic:  [H 1;  V 6] Syn [21] + Time [11] + Space [283] = Syn TFI:  315;  Base:  36
Base:  389  “389  Prime key, reverse 983, 983 – 389 = 595 = 11 x 54, V11 H15, seventh gate of unity ascending, 441, vigesimal code 19.9, corresponds to UR harmonic 92,: Galactic Art Whole Becomes Structure of Reality
Master Telepathic Frequency Index: 462.
BMU= 21 {!}  21   Unity of Totality (20 + 1), Hunab Ku, basis of 441 21² matrix of the Synchronotron, reverse of 12 {G-Force of 18.8}
Kin Equivalent of 462 is 202:  7 Wind codes the first of the Seven Mystic Moons.
Kin 21 on 12.23 was also the 4th Galactic Return of 2013 and The Mystery Queen  🙂 This is the 754th transmission in 1,046 days.   BMU of 754313  Prime key self recombinant palindromic, middle term in triplet 133-313-331, 331 – 313 = 18, 313 – 133 = 180 = 10 x 18, 133 + 313 +331 = 777 = 21 x 37, vigesimal code 15.13
Kin Equivalent:    234:  “13 x 18, corresponds to 234˚ or 13/20 of 13:7 wheel of the law of time cosmological basis of frequency 13:20, frequency of Cosmic Wizard, 234 inverse of 432 second master time lens, 54th Octave, 432 – 234 =198 = 11 x 18, also 234 is recombinant with 324, 18² and with 342, 19 x 18″
Kin 21 is the G-Force of 11.11 , and the Analog of 18.8, so it felt synchronistic to realize that ‘Twenty One alpha-numerically equals141“, because 11.11: Valum Votan” and  18.8Claire DeMoulin each  also equal 141!  As Valum Votan expresses it, these three ‘terms’ share the same “simple gematrical frequency
S’ace 22 and Lloydine, Valum Votan’s wife and partner in developing the 13 Moon calendar, both celebrated their Galactic Return on Solar Wind.
Cody 93 began his year as Planetary Night on the following day, which was Summer  Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere
Happy Birthday 93::23,  and safe travels to your new home  🙂
“21” appeared for the 3rd time [as the Gregorian date [6/21/2012] 11 Seed], coding  the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
   Happy Birthday to Prince William [14.7] who turned  [PVCS] 30 on June 21.  He has cause for celebration, for on that day he recieved his inheritance from Princess Diana 9 Storm$ 13 Million  🙂  The G-Force of 11 Seed is 8 Wizard. Princess Diana would have turned 51 on July 1:  Galactic Wizard, becoming William‘s G-Force until the 2013 Summer Solstice.
Neil 12 Wizard realized that ‘Summer Solstice; and ‘Winter Solstice’ carry the same numerical frequency:  Summer and Winter both equal 89 [9.11] which coded the Ascension of Valum Votan.
Solstice alpha-numerically equals 102.  102 plus 89 = 191:  11.9, the mirror of 9.11..  The Winter Solstice here in New Zealand was at 11:09  🙂
The 27th day of the Crystal Wizard Moon was a Magic Turtle Day:  Kin 25:   Crystal Serpent.

 This beautiful image of a

“Full Sky Aurora Over Norway’ is from Stephanie 3 Serpent’s latest blog: , and the following photo was in  a link from Poet Piet 55

The Crystal Wizard Moon and the Wizard Wavespell of the Rhythmic Wizard year both end on Pacal Votan Clear Sign:  Kin 26, Cosmic World-Bridger.

The Synchronotron numbers for Kin 26 on Moon 12;  Day 28:

Master Telepathic Frequency Number:  889;  It’s BMU is 7:

7   “Interval frequency of lost time in eternity, basis of manifest universe, resonant power of primal creation, mystic root, basis of heptad (seven –day sequence), root of 441, Supreme power of Divine order; with 13, occulted basis of Cosmic Wheel of Law of Time 13:7  “ 

The  three Base Matrix numbers add up to 308   44th order of 7, 7 x 44, 77 x 4, 11 x 28, spectral moon frequency of liberation by means of harmonic standard, ESP output unit alpha-beta core channel Cosmic Synchronization,..”

These descriptions of the Synchronotron numbers for the last day of the First of the Seven Last Moons of the Thirteen Baktuns mention the 7 day week and 13 Moons of 28 days.

The first transmission of the Cosmic Eagle Moon and the Hand Wavespell will address questions and issues associated with TMQ’s beliefs about The Harmonic Standard by which we Cosmically Synchronize 🙂

N. S.  1. 24. 12. 28               PVCS kin 26:  Cosmic World-Bridger

Kin 17: Red Self-Existing Earth {Nahui Ollin} falls during Blue Week 3 of the Crystal Wizard Moon

CABAN      Kin 17

Red Self-Existing Earth

“I define in order to evolve measuring synchronicity.
I seal the matrix of navigation with the self-existing tone of form.
I am guided by the power of space.”
The G-Force of Kin 17 is Cosmic Night:  143
Today is coded by 9 Dog in the Long Count, and today’s  Combined Dreamspell Kins [CDK]  equal 9 Serpent.
The PSI for Crystal Alpha 19 is  5 God:: Dog; Crystal Seli 161 Eagle
17.4. “Fractal free post-organic” means angels are liberated from any and all interference grids generated by the activity waves of differing levels of celestial harmonics which define the form-compounding functions of the third and fourth dimensions.  Being fractal free thus prevents angels from entering interference grid defined fields, which means they cannot intervene directly in third- or fourth-dimensional activities.”
17  “Prime key mystic key, the navigator,  Noah, reverse of 71, Sura 71 Noah, 71 –17 = 54 (9 x 6)”
Kin 17 falls on the 3rd day of Vinal 17;  KAYAB“With a Song and a Rhythm
17.17 – 13:20 = 17.4.  “Seventeen is my number.  My insignia are the harmonic seals of Planet Mind and Star Mind returning to source.”
Seal 17 Navigator appears several times in the Synchronotron calculations for Kin 17.
Since Seal 17 is also referred to as Synchronotron, let’s compare the numbers for Kin 17, on both 13 Moon dates:
Space Coordinates:  {H:  9;  V:  2} yields:
Space:  17;  Time:  149 {11.11 + 138};  Syn.: 51  {HPB};       Space Base:  124
Space TFI 217 {17.9} “217   31st order of 7, 31 x 7, begins fourth 441 circuit, creation power of supreme gate of unity, coordinating unit (V18 H18) fourth time dimension, Cosmic Cube, and third mental sphere, waking conscious
Synchronic Coord.  {H:  17;  V: 1}
Synchronic:  17;   Time:  79 {Noosphere Constant};  Space:  344 
Syn. Base:  57  {PVCS 5 Earth;  17.5} “57   3 x 19, frequency of Quran (in each of two suras (42 and 50) preceded by mystic letter “Qaf” (Quran), the Qaf appears 57 times, 57 x 2 = 114, number of  suras in Quran), frequency of Overtone Earth, third clear sign of tomb of Pacal Votan”
Synch TFI:  440  “8 x 55 55th octave, 11 x 40 10 x 44, 110 x 4, 220 x 2, 88 x 5, 22 x 20, V11H12 tenth gate of ascending unity, vigesimal code 1.2.0”
Crystal 19 Coordinates:  H: 2 ;  V:  17
Time:  42;  Space:  75 {TMQ’s Long Count}; Synch:  242 
Time Base:  102 {3 of 4 numbers are Wind:  Spirit}
Time TFI:  359:  {359   Prime key, reverse 953, 953 – 359 = 594 = 11 x 54, vigesimal code 17.19 The Time TFI for Crystal 19 contains the kin:  17, and the Moon Date  19, per TMQ  🙂
Master Telepathic Frequency Index for Kin 17 on Crystal 19:  217 + 440 + 359 = 1026.
***The BMU {1026- 2 x 441 = 144.  “144   12², 9 x16, 18 x 8, 18th octave, Mystic Order, reverse of 441, basis of baktun count, number of the elect, forms recombinant triplet 144 + 414 + 441, 414 – 144 = 270, 441 – 144 = 297 (27 x 11), 144 + 414 + 441 = 999, Fibonacci 12th order, V11 H20 second gate of ascending unity, second time lens codes tones 2, 6, 10, 3rd Heptad gate
Kin Equivalent of 1026 is 12 World-Bridger. {6 x 12 = 72,  one half of 144246   6 x 41 cube frequency of divine interval, reverse of 642 (321 x 2), 642 – 246 = 396 = 11 x 36″
The 3 Base Matrix numbers:   124 + 57 + 102 = 283:  “283   Prime key reverse of 382 (191 x 2), 382 – 283 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal code 14.3″
Crystal 16 is located at H:  2;  V:  20.
Time:  50;  Sp:  116 and Syn:  83 yield a Time TFI of 249 {2 Moon}:  83 x 3, triple command of the night seer, reverse of 942 (157 x 6) 942 – 249 = 693 = 9 x 77, 21 x 33, 7 x 63, vigesimal 12.9 “
249 + 217 + 440 =equal the MTFI of 906.  It’s BMU is 24. “24!  2 x 12, 3 x 8, 4 x 6 radiant return, complex stable structure, frequency of Velatropa, harmonic root number (24² = 576 = 288 frequency of polar harmonic x 2), 3rd octave”
The Kin Equivalent of 906 is  126. 9 World-Bridger.
Whether we locate Kin 17 on Crystal 19 or Crystal 16, the Kin coded by ‘a double Synchronotron’ feels special!
TMQ first became aware of the significnace of Kin 17:  Nahui Ollin:  Shaking Earth” while reading Cosmic History Chronicle Vol. V:  Book of the Timespace by Valum Votan and Stephanie South:
From page 65 which begins Channel 5:  “The prophecy of the Aztec Sunstone reveals that the Fifth Sun will soon give way to the Sixth Sun:  The Sixth Sun of Consciousness.”
    On page 67, they state:
On Nahui Ollin of 2000 [May 5] eight planets were lined up on one side of the Sun, with the Earth on the other side.  Much has changed from this time.  War, terrorism and natural disasters that we are experiencing on our Planet is the Shaking of the Earth.  Many people do not realize that the apocalypse is happening now, in slow motion.”
The final Nahui Ollin of the 13 Moon Dreamspell cycle will occur on Crystal Moon 16, 6 Wizard year {June 14, 2012}.”  [Note:  the 13 Moon year:  14.6 mirrors the Greg. date:  6/14]  “ On the Long Count, the last Nahui Ollin will occur on Magnetic Moon 6 [July 31. 2012] of the Resonant Storm year.  The shaking of the Earth is expected to peak during this time.”
“The shaking of the Earth is at the center of the Solar Ring….With the accurate measure of 13 Moons, each with 28 days, the Solar Ring can be made conscious and harmonically normalized.”
When I mentioned the Nahui Ollin to Judson John 5 Sun, he showed me the Aztec Sunstone he was wearing beneath his shirt.
The Seventh Solar Witness arrived in New Zealand on Kin 11.  Prior to that, I realized that our current years [18.3 and 10.1} equaled GM108X.  Then, I received his e-mail with flight times and saw that he was on Qantas flight 108 from L.A. to Sydney!  Later, I calculated that I last saw Jud 108 Moons ago! [after my Father died [ Jan. 2004] during the Resonant Moon of my Solar-Galactic Return year as Galactic Mirror]
Jud’s visit was brief, but filled with so much magic and fun!  We spent Kin 12 [my G-Force] at the home of Neil, Crystal Wizard and Sandra 4 Skywalker.
Two stories were related, which illustrate the power of our minds and creative visulization. 
 While the other  Survivor Nicaragua  contestants were vying for votes and alliances, Jud [whom they called Fabio] remained in a meditative state, focused on the final outcome.  He visualized the night when they would name 21 year old Jud the winner of the 21st series of Survivor [=144:  12 x 12; 21 x 21 = 441].  He was in tune with the powerful energies of Nicaragua [=75] and with the creative powers of the Cosmos–although he appeared to the others as ‘a spacey dumb blonde“!
{My computer restarted itself while I was writing this transmission.  When it came back on, this: automatically started playing, a sign to share “Fabio’s Best Moments“.  Also, later noticed that L.A. had a 4.1 earthquake today:  4.1, Magnetic Seed = Kin 144}
Neil and his 22 year old son also shared a powerful demonstration of the powers of our mind.  Two weeks ago, they journeyed to Auckland, so that Lee Magnetic World-Bridger could have laser surgery on his eyes.  However, the doctor deemed that Lee was not a good candidate for that type of procedure.  That evening, while in a hypnagogic state,  Neil spontaneously performed ‘psychic surgery, using the visuals he was shown of Lee’s eyes.  When Lee awakened, his first words were “I can see!!!”   Overnight, he had gone from being unable to recognize a face a arm’s length, to being able to read and drive without glasses!
When I wrote to Lee, asking his permission to write about his amazing experience, he responded in part:
Isn’t it amazing just purely the power of thought, my eyes haven’t  improved greatly but enough for me to not need glasses constantly and I know there only going to get better 🙂 by all means please share this on your blog, I think people need to know how powerful our thoughts can be
Later on 12.12, Lee and his Mother Sandra [Today’s Guide] retired, leaving ‘the Three Solar Witnesses’ {I am ‘the Fifth Solar Witness’ until my next Birthday}  to talk all night.  Together, our kins equaled that day:   12.12.  [20.5 + 14.12 + 18. 8 = 12.12 There were amazing synchronicities associated with what we were discussing, and what was revealed about our shared purpose.  The numbers  3 and 33 came up frequently.  For example, the frequency of the Great Pyramid is 33. 
Late in the PVCS 13 World-Bridger watch of  13 Skywalker {Happy Belated Galactic Birthday to Raven Walker and to my Brother Bill} TMQ observed a bright star that was moving gently and erratically   in the sky, above Cable Bay.  We watched it [and two others] through a telescope, and marveled at the beautiful rainbow colors.    Jud was the first to notice a colorful plasma ‘tail‘ streaming from the right of one of these objects.  As we took turns viewing these Three Rainbow-colored U.F.O’s, we felt that we had been joined by an extra-terrestrial presence during this magic-filled night  🙂
{My computer restarted itself while I was writing this transmission.  When it came back on, this: automatically started playing, a sign to share “Fabio’s Best Moments“.  Also, later noticed that L.A. [where Jud lives] had a 4.1 earthquake today: 4.1, Magnetic Seed = Kin 144}
Jud and I spent the last night of his visit talking all night in Auckland.  The afternoon after his [very] early morning departure, TMQ learned of the crop circle that appeared while we were at Cable Bay [= 51]
 Woodborough Hill. Alton  Barnes.Wiltshire. Report 9th June  This formation shows Three objects with Tails, reminiscent of the  Three Celestial Objects  we Three ‘Witnesses’  viewed  for over an hour, early  on 13.13  🙂

peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - catalyst of peaceMike 5 World=Bridger reached TMQ on Lunar Eagle which was Jud’s 23rd birthday.  Though it was too late to meet in person, we enjoyed a long telephone conversation.  Mike relayed the 3rd story of Inspiration to be shared here today.  Mike is a true 13:20 champion, and has been engaged in his defence of and by the 13 Moon Calendar for over a year now.

Mike  perfectly  exemplfies the positive effect of the 13:20 frequency upon a person who has  endured the full spectrum of the 12:60 experience.  Consequently,  the prosecution has found that their best attack is to declare him unfit to stand trial, and I was appalled and heart-broken to learn that Mike’s two sons, Joe 5 Seed and Jack 10 Monkey have been removed from his home.  Mike, in his purified state, continues to hold the 13:20 frequency and continues the daily  Cubing.  Mike, Overtone World-Bridger is an inspiration for all of us, and it appears that Kin 11 has taken note.

We can follow the example of Jud 5 Sun and Neil 12 Wizard to envision and manifest a positive and just outcome at Kin 226‘s next court appearance on Crystal Mirror [July 5th].  Let’s strategize for this important Crystal Round Table!

I flew home on Kin 15 {15.15 – 20.13 = 15.2}, with a  flight  boarding time of 15:15  🙂  The entire drive to the airport was spent engaged in a wonderful conversation with the Shuttle operator, named Arcadia.  He explained the spiritual significance of his name, which refers to two paradigms and seemed related to the ability to be two places at once, as if one had a twin.  This was another reminder of Valum Votan, his twin, and to something Mike 226  had just relayed about 11.11.

Thanks to Poet Piet 55, for sharing about another White Crystal Kin, his Mother:  Crystal Dog, who epitomizes Love and Loyalty, Guided by Spirit.

Great Gratitude to Branch 4 Sun and S’ace 9 Wind for their words which buoyed my spirits  🙂    B160 and Bolon Ik  also shared fascinating insights about the Dreamspell and The Venus Return.   Branch shared: “from the first transit of Venus in 2004 until today, 2920 days past.  This is 5 Retrogrades of Venus, each 584 days apart.  5:8 Venus retrogrades to Earths Orbits. 5×584=2920 2920 is also the Kin Eq of 60 — Galactic Sun(PV), the perfect compliment to Galactic Star(VT2) and Galactic Seed (2013TSE”

Christine 3 Skywalker [who is coded by the same kin as Jud’s fiancee] noted  that the S. Hem. Greg. date of the Venus Return:  6/6 is analogous to 6.6Rhythmic World-Bridger133‘s comment on the Dec. Solstice 2010 was my first news of Jud’s win.

Code=E 93 beautifully  anticipated Valum Votan’s Galactic Return, which B160 calculated as:  “Votans’ 103rd Synchronic Return. The Kin Eq today is  11Night,  Kin 63. Very much resonating with 11Monkey on the Blue wave-length.”  Unfortunately, the beautiful poem by Valum Votan has disappeared from Stephanie’s website;  Hopefully you had a chance to read it.  Does anyone have a copy?  2 Skywalker expressed how

“We are blessed to be living in this time. Close the cycle. Open the NOo!!

Thank You Pedrin 4 Warrior, for sharing the stunning music video of the Venus Return  🙂  I’m listening to it again while writing these words during the 7.4 Watch.  [7.4 is Mayan for 144]

Adrian 177 8 Earth is looking ahead to the next Venus Return:  “2117 the next venus return will be anaologue to 2013 as 2013+52+52=2117 Then it will be a Ressonant Storm Year (if the 13 moon calendar makes it to get there and if the planet Earth does it in first place) Transit will happen on Overtone 26 kin 41 Red Lunar Dragon”  He asks what date that will be in TMQ’s system.   I’ve only plotted the next 20 years, but, because I assign a Kin to Hunab Ku Days, the Kin will be different also;  I can hear the groans already!  🙂

I’ve enjoyed the beginning of the film that A1d7r7 shared, called ‘Vortex-based Mathematics” and look forward to listening to the last 4 hours of  Marko Rodin who  “has come up with a revolutionary system of mathematics involving whole numbers, toroidal constructs and spirituality”.

Melovia 12 Moon  shared the most recent  John Lash video whose lovely title of Double Orchestration“evokes images of  Divine  cooperation.  He details how we can cooperate with our Earth’s Goddess Sophia.  Also appreciated 129’s 13 Moon date at the end of her comment  🙂

The G-Force of today’s Guide is 19.13:

All is number.  God is a number.  God is in all.”

Thursday;  Alpha 19: Cube Thirteen:  Prophecy

May Prophecy Purify Victory of the 13 Moons Way as the Triumph of the Religion of Truth.”             May Peace Regenrate the Biosphere!”    

1. 24. 12. 19.                   Cube 13:  Prophecy                    Kin 17

Galactic Star [Kin 8] and Solar Moon [Kin 9] code the Transit of Venus [Quetzalcoatl] across the Sun

The Venus Transit: Cosmic Convergence of 2012

A highly symbolic and awesome event is about to take place in the heavenly firmament on June 5th and 6th, depending on where one domiciles on Planet Earth. This celestial double event occurs only once in a lifetime, and has always had far-reaching and decisive ramifications for the entire human race. It concerns our closest planetary neighbor, Venus, which is one reason this transit will have such dramatic and earth-changing repercussions.

Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable astronomical phenomena. They occur in a pattern that repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years apart The periodicity is a reflection of the fact that the orbital periods of Earth and Venus are close to 8:13 and 243:395 commensurabilities.”

Especially during the brief period of the mini-eclipse,while Venus is being energized by the Sun, and it’s shadow is making its presence known across the face our planet, there exists a quite unique and once-in-a-lifetime window of opportunity. Every inhabitant of Planet Earth has a vested interest in the livability of the global habitat. It is the Divine Mother who ensures the world environment is conducive for human life to thrive and flourish. However, She is not the sole guarantor.

As co-creators of the earth realm, each and every resident of Mother Earth is being called upon at this very moment to step up to the plate and decide what we want to be. Do we want to be a Taker or a Caretaker?”  All of the preceding text is from: 

For 90% of the Earth’s population, this ‘unique opportunity’ occurs during oUR Guiding Star8.8;  Galactic Star 8 Star is the Guide for our Galactic Seed Galactic Synchronization in 2013.

  In New Zealand, the six hour Transit of Venus begins precisely as this sentence is being written!  The formation [above] encapsulates the two Kins that code the Planet during the awesome event.  There are 8 corners for Kin 8:  Galactic Star, and 9 x 9 squares and rectangles within the square, to represent Kin 9:  Solar Moon9 x 9 = 81 VENUS = 81!

The Venus RetURnequals 210Just now, Neil Crystal Wizard [who codes this Moon and the First Solar Witness called  with this:

This morning, he and Sandra 4 Skywalker saw Six Kingfishers on the rail of their deck.  They had never seen more than 5 of the ‘Birds of Good Omen’ before, so he calculated:  “The Six Kingfishers“.  A few minutes after the Venus Transit began,   he called to tell me that “The Six Kingfishers” equals 210!    194 said that when I answered the phone, “The Six Kingfishers” returned to the rail  🙂 These birds are also called “Sacred Kingfishers“, and they figure into the Alcyone legends  🙂 

This seems to be a well-timed Good Omen for this powerful day!  After a meditation [with incredibly powerful winds] I returned to the computer and found this from Christine 3 Skywalker

Happy VenUS transit dURing Galactic Mirror watch through Rhythmic Skywalker watch 😉

Kin 8         Yellow Galactic Star
I Harmonize in order to Beautify
I Model Art
I seal the store of elegance
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Free Will

Love, C  [133]  Thanks for that link to a live webcast of this special event  🙂

Four and a half hours of the Venus Transit in New Zealand are during the Antipode watch coded by Solar Storm: 139:  Princess Diana

,Princess Diana and Prince Charles    

As 133 noted, for the Eagle and MonKEY regions, part of the Transit happens during Kin 138:  Galactic Mirror.  Divine Feminine  alpha-numerically  138.

These are potent synchronicities coding the event that heralds the Return of the DIVINE FEMININE  🙂

Thank You Marsha 4 Eagle for sending this:

In the ongoing story of the reemergence of the Goddess, today marks a significant shift — a turning point in our personal and collective experience.”

venus transit  Venus Transits occur in pairs, separated by 8 years. The previous one, on June 8, 2004,[PVCS 11.3] was an initiation into a phase of growth of feminine consciousness that’s now coming to completion.  Their beautiful post ends with these words:  “What is your unique expression of the feminine that you’ve been cultivating for the past 8 years? Do you have the courage to radiate your brilliance into a world desperately longing for your light?”

As Postulate 11.12 [Madame Blavatsky] states in part  “…CA dominance of 12:60 historic cycle is unrelievedly masculine directed and oriented, resulting in distortion of female roles as well…”. 

We are now at the end of that cycle, and during the Rhythmic Moon of Equality, the balance of Male and Feminine is restored.  Today marks the end of the Eight Years of Harmonic Conversion, and the Return of the  Feminine Power that resides in each one of us.

The ‘Royal Feminine’ dominated the past week.   4 Seed marked the 18 year anniversary of the Discovery of the Red Queen’s Tomb. That night [or the morning of 5 Serpent] The Mystery Queen had a lucid dream, in which the unborn child of the Seventh Solar Witness [TMQ’s nephew Jud 5 Sun,]  appeared.  TMQ had originally planned to meet Jud and his partner in Palenque, for a 3 day ceremony at the Tomb of Pacal Votan, during the Venus  Return

QUEEN = 62.  In the dream, Jud hands me their daughter [who appeared to be about one] and this sentient being looked closely into my eyes, while communicating spiritual information! Their daughter is to be born on Kin 62,  {July 29th, Magnetic 7/3}  Even their chosen nickname for her equals 6262:  Planetary Wind plus 18.8 equals her G-Force, and her Father’s  kin 200:  20.5.    The Combined Dreamspell Kin of her Birth will be [2.10 + 16.1 + 19.7] will be Cosmic Earth:  117 = 13 x 9

Kin 62:  10 Wind coded the Greg. date of 11/11/11, when Marsha 4 Eagle and I attended a long and powerful ritual in Golden Bay, during which the 108 [13 x 8 = GM108X] attributes of the Divine Feminine were chanted by hundreds under a  rising Full Moon.

The dream was so powerful, that  TMQ told Melovia 129 that this dream was the highlight of an eventful “Queen’s Birthday” Weekend trip to Christchurch.  Two hours after 129’s phone call,  [late on Kin 8 here] TMQ was thrilled to learn that Jud 5 Sun is coming to visit her this weekend!  The Seventh Solar Witness is flying from L.A. to New Zealand for 5 days, and will arrive on Kin 11.11, which turns out to be my 333rd day as the Fifth Solar Witness:  3 Mirror which codes the Supreme Golden Maiden  🙂

This Solar Storm watch is incredibly stormy, and the internet connection has been lost many time while writing this.  Now the power is flickering, so it’s time to end this Transmission.

May we all enjoy the final hours of this most special and powerful Transit  of the Venus Return.  For the more populated Northern Hemisphere, these two Transits occured on 11.3 [2004] and 8.8 [2012]. Together these two kin equal 19.11 [Spectral Storm} whose Challenge [9.11] coded the Ascension of Valum Votan11.11.

He delineated the Venus Transitbookends’ of the Eight Years of Harmonic Conversion, and here is the Postulate that codes the combined kins of the last and most auspicious Venus Return of the Thirteen Baktuns:

19.11:  “The spiritual evolution of the Dominion of Time augured by the discovery of the Law of Time is the Divine return of mind to source.  By making conscious what was unconscious, the order of the Dominion of time evolves all bodies of time into the condition of Universal Transcension.  God is the magnet of Universal Transcension.”

1. 24. 12. 10./7.      Cube 4:  Mayan Flowering      Kin 9