White Magnetic Wizard Codes the First ‘Magic Turtle Day’ of the new 13 Moon Year

White Wizard Wavespell Two:  Power of Timelessness begins today on Day 5 of the Magnetic Wind Moon.  This day is coded by Dreamspell Kin 14:  Magnetic Wizard and by Long Count Rhythmic Hand.

The next blog was planned for the 8th day of this Magnetic Moon whose totem is the Hummingbird.  But this brief transmission was inspired by awakening to the news of the latest crop circle.  July was a ‘bumper crop’ for crop circles:  31 ‘Interdimensional Signals’  were reported in the first 30 days of this month.  The was discovered a few hours ago: at

Roundway Hill, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 30th July.  This formation reminded one person of this illustration which seems perfect for this Wizard Wavespell of Timelessness:

Thank you for the comments from Vernon 221 [who coded the Cosmic Moon],  Jannis 7 Moon [with the ‘Peace‘ crop circle from his area of the Sun region] and Peace::Raven::Walker [Happy Galactic Return to you, 13 Skywalker  :)].  Piety Piet 55 weighed in with 4 comments, some of which I’m still digesting.  3 Eagle has written much more here this year than I  🙂

The Postulate for this Magic Turtle Day is a ‘timely‘ one to consider during this first full Wavespell of the Cosmic Turtle Calendar year.

14.1:  “AD 2013 is the synchronization point signalling the completion of all of the necessary exercises to open the interplanetary flux tube-time tunnels of the heliocosm.  Telepathic continuing consciousness becomes normalized, making possible the common functioning of the super conscious order.”

May the Magic and Timelessness of this Wavespell enhance our connection with each other and with Spirit {which codes this 13 Moon year} 🙂

1. 27. 1. 5.        Magic Turtle Kin 14 ::  L.C. Kin 227   ::   Gregorian: 7/31/14


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