Resonant Mirror codes the 7th Day of the 7th Wavespell and the 5th day of the 4th Moon which is coded by 5.4

The 4th Self-Existing Serpent Moon and the 11th Haab:  Sak’ began 5 days ago on Sunday, Oct. 19th.  Today, Self-Existing Alpha 5:  Release,  is coded by Mayan Kin  12 Monkey, and Crystal Monkey is the PSI for today.  The Monkey energy seems to be ‘in play‘ today, because the nearly finished blog just now disappeared {was released into the void?}.  😦  {I should have opened another page to be safe, but} I was excitedly writing about the new Family that was Formed on the 4th day of the 4th Moon of Form  🙂

This morning, I received word from my Nephew Jud  [winner of Survivor Nicaragua] that his Sister Kelsey gave Birth to a son during the Rhythmic Earth watch of Rhythmic Earth  🙂  The 8.1 pound newborn  has already appeared on his Father’s news program, [  Preview attachment IMG_5383.MOV  ]  and is shown here in the arms of his Grandmother {my Sister Ann, PVCS 1 SunView photo in message

 Jud 5 Suns daughter was born on 8.1.2012, which was the 5 year anniversary of the Cube Crop Circle that commemorated  8 Sun Pacal Votan’s 27th Solar-Galactic Return.

New Mother Kelsey and my Brother John  are both in their Crystal Sun year and with all of  the Sun Signatures mentioned here, it’s a good time to reintroduce a wonderful way to interact with the Sun, called Sun-Gazing or ‘Eating the Sun‘.  This spiritual practice begins by gazing at the Sun at Dawn [when the UV rays are lowest or non-existing] for 10 seconds, increasing it by 10 seconds each day.   “Many proponents of this ancient technique, used by many cultures such as Mayan, Egyptian, Aztec, Tibetian and Indian yoga, report not only healing benefits to common illnesses, but obtaining super-human abilities such as advanced telepathy and going completely without the need for food.

The stance shown above is also a wonderful way to receive and transduce the 7 Radial Plasmas through the appropriate Chakras.  The Cosmic Turtle Calendar  [which is still evolving and will display one week at a time] shows the Plasma seal, which is envisioned [or preferably, a printed symbol is placed upon] on the appropriate Chakra, while saying it’s Affirmation.

The Second Week of this Self-Existing Cat Moon and the Second Quarter of this  Cosmic Turtle Year begins in 3 days.  The Guide for  Week Two  is Kin 121: Self-Existing Dragon, which codes the Birth of the Law of Time.  The second quarter of the Planetary Dog Year is coded by its Guide: 218:  Planetary Mirror.  Planetary Mirror coded the day that the Tomb of Pacal Votan was opened, ‘Releasing‘ the terma of the 13 Moon Calendar.

Whether you follow the 13 Moon Calendar that is correlated to the Gregorian year, or The Cosmic Turtle Calendar which is aligned with the perpetual 7 Day Week, you are still more in tune with Nature and the cycles of the Moon and Cosmos.  The much longer draft of this blog contained several responses on this topic that were raised in recent comments.  It’s ‘release’ [disappearance] means that all but one of those issues will be discussed in a later transmission.

Resonant Moon suggested that the many synchronicities were the result of writing this blog.  While writing nearly 800 blogs does give lots of practice utilizing the various numerical languages Valum Votan  shared, most of the synchronicities  reveal by the numerical codes are a function of the alignment of the 13 Moons of The Cosmic Turtle Calendar with the 7 Day Week beginning on Sunday.

When Baby Theo was born on the 4th day of the 4th Moon, it was  Resonant Mirror here in New Zealand.  The 7th day of the 7th Wavespell next occurs  on the 13th day of the 13th Cosmic Turtle Moon.  That most Cosmic‘ day of the Planetary Dog  {a-n = 138Year  will be the Birthday of kin 138, a.k.a. ‘The 2013 Mystery Queen‘. 260 [=20.13] days from today  🙂

The last lines of Theo’s Postulate states:  17.6:  “…….The only purpose of the Galactic Federation is to increase awareness of God and the Divine order, which can only be effected through subliminal feedback to input from lower orders of time.

N. S.  1. 27. 4. 5.           Resonant Mirror;  11 Chuen       Haab  11; Day 4

1300 Days [5 Dreamspell Tzolkins] Since the Death of Valum Votan a.k.a. Jose Arguelles

Kin 89 Spectral Moon [9.11] coded the death of Valum Votan at 6:10 a.m. on March 23, 2011.  In the Cosmic Turtle Calendar, that day was Solar Kali Eighteen, a Wednesday.  Today, Electric Gamma Twenty Four, is coded by Dreamspell Kin 89, and by Mayan Kin 3 Wind [a Mayan  Magic Turtle Day]

This Electric Seed Moon,  Kali Eighteen was catalytic‘ in a different way:10-8-14 Lunar eclipse main

The second of the Tetra of 4 Blood Moon Eclipses was on Electric 18.  TMQ was able to spend the last hour of Blue Overtone Night observing the entire Lunar Eclipse of the Full Moon.  It did exude a glowing golden red during its total occultation at Midnight.  Here in New Zealand, the Full Moon peaked 12 hours earlier, at the exact middle of the 3rd Week of the 3rd Moon  🙂

The next Dreamspell Tzolkin begins on the next Blood Moon Eclipse [4/4/2015]  and the new Haab year [of 18 moons of 20 day plus a 5 day Huyab] begins the day before.  This period of time in the middle of the Tetrad of 4 Full Moon Lunar Eclipses is a critical one for humanity and Earth.  It’s a powerful time to focus on Peace and our Planet.  These images serve to show us what is vitally needed.


Kin 225: Self-Existing Serpent will code the Self-Existing Moon of Form, when we ask “What form is my Service to take?”  The Totem for the 4th Moon in the Cosmic Turtle Calendar is the Self-Existing CAT.  The Egyptians held the cats in highest esteem, maybe in part because “When a cat purrs within a range of 20-140 Hertz, nearby humans may be therapeutically benefiting from these vibrations. Purring has been linked to lowering stress, decreasing symptoms of Dyspnoea, lessening the chances of having a heart attack, and even strengthening bones“.


An Abyssinian cat [like the one in the Egyptian sculpture above] is sitting on my lap as I write this  🙂  Her name is OMA, for the Original Matrix Attained, and she has met Valum Votan, the originator of that term, several times.

Even domesticated cats can be ‘self-existing‘ when required.  When our neighbors’ house burned down, they left their cat to fend for itself in this ‘country-like’ suburban neighborhood.  She survived for over a year outdoors on her own, subsisting on birds, smaller creatures and fish from the creek [and petting and some food from me]. Her ‘owners’ finally moved into their newly built home this week.

The largest sculpture on Earth has a feline body:  The Sphinx in Egypt appears to guard the Pyramid of Ra [Cheops] .


In Cosmic History Chronicles II, Valum Votan discusses the  terma of the six basic types of Cosmic Electricity hidden in Chamber 13 of the Great Pyramid of Ra.  On page 161 this synchronistic passage appears “In dum kuali, the central parton is Cat“.

On this 24th day of  Moon 3, it’s interesting to observe that ‘CAT’ alpha-numerically = 24  🙂  The Galactic Mayans designated our Sun as Velatropa 24, and Earth [the 3rd Planet out] as 24.3.

Page 161 also contains a gem: ‘The Secret Chambers of Ra and the Tomb of Pacal Votan‘   :Of the 33 chambers in the pyramid of Ra, three contain information about Cosmic Science.”:  The 13th, the 5th and the 11th….”Complementing the Pyramid of Ra [Cheops] in Egypt, we have the two principle pyramids in Mexico, Pyramid of the Sun [Teotihuacan], and the Pyramid of Inscriptions  [Palenque], each with its secret chambers.”…’These are the three pyramids on the Planet where the most profound and supreme initiatic knowledge is vibrating and resonating.”

Pacal Votan’s Tomb is the sole secret chamber of the Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque“.  1300 days after his death, we honor the man whose one of many accomplishments was to decode the priceless terma of The Tomb of Pacal Votan:  Valum Votan::Jose Arguelles.


Sphinx alpha -numerically equals 89: today’s kin 89:  Spectral Moon which  coded the Death of Valum Votan:  11.11.                                                                                                                                          11 Moon’s kin 89 is a prime key, and it is  the 11th number in the Fibonacci sequence.

Thank you for all of your wonderful comments during this Electric Moon.  Noosphericusaustralia noted “A profound wavespell.of cimi and the synchronicity as always is mathematically perfect”  The 13th day of the 6th Wavespell, coded by seal 6 occurred on the 13th day of the 3rd Moon.  13 Mirror was  my 793rd transmission here.  793 – 780 [3 x 260] = 13  🙂  It contained 1858 words, a reflection of Kin 78:  Cosmic Mirror; 18.13 [18 and {5+8 = 13} ].

S’ace 9 Wind shared more about his own observations of the 28 day Moon [3 x 9 +1]. Rotoso 3 Eagle had lots to say during the Moon coded by his tone, including a video showing the 28 days of the Moon reflected in a 28 layered temple decoration, and referring to the ‘churning’ of the Milky Way and the Turtle in ancient legends.  55’s copious comments maintain our focus on the 13:20Back to Nature‘ ‘Self-ExistingParadise  🙂 .  Melovia 12 Moon appreciated the 13 Moon Calendar discussion between 7 Moon and 8 Mirror; the ball is in Jannis 7 Moon‘s court.

Jay 1 Warrior [whose name shares the same C.G.F. as Votan;  both = 711] activated a response with his questions about the Cosmic Turtle Calendar.  As a result, The Cosmic Turtle Calendar is taking ‘Form‘  in time for the 4th Self-Existing Cat Moon of Form.  A single page will contain both the Dreamspell and Mayan Tzolkins, the PSI Chrono Kin, and the minimum information for the practitioners of the  Telektonon and 7:7::7:7.

I hope that as a result, there will be more people barefoot on the grass or ground, taking in the Radial Plasma Dali on Sunday through the vitris in their hands, transducing it through their Crown Chakra and sending it into our Earth through the vitris in their feet.  The corresponding Day::Radial Plasma [plus it’s action], and Chakra are shown in the first row of the Calendar.  Let’s use the Cosmic Turtle Calendar to synchronize each of the 7 Radial Plasmas from Hunab Ku with the consistently appropriate one of the 7 Chakras and 7  Days.

The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony will be published before Sunday Self-Existing One at

N. S. 1. 27. 3. 24.      D: 89:  9.11;  M:  3 Wind           10/14/14

Harmonizing the Dreamspell and Mayan Tzolkins with The Cosmic Turtle Calendar: Thirteen Moons of Harmony

Several synchronicities  indicate that today,  Cosmic Mirror,  is an auspicious day to discuss the Two Tzolkin Counts and the Cosmic Turtle Calendar. Today’s latest comment  from the prolific Electric Eagle: Rotoso included a link to a short video called  “Kurma Avatar:  “The Turtle Incarnation“.  The video is 1:58 in length.  Cosmic Turtle [62 +96] equals 158.  Synchronistically, Cosmic Turtle also equals 158 in this calculation.  The Complex Gematrical Frequency is Cosmic {214} Turtle {825} for a total of 1040 [Kin Equivalent 20.13  :)]  The Base Matrix Unit [1040 minus 882 [2 x 441] is 158!

Kin 158:  Lunar MirrorReflects‘ the ‘Challenge‘ of the Turtle Moon Calendar:  Aligning the Lunar Calendar to the 7 day week, rather than to the Gregorian Calendar, and assigning a Kin to each and every day [Mayan definition of Kin is one 24 hour  unit].  The Dreamspell Tzolkin skips ‘Leap Day‘ and the current ‘official 13 Moon Calendar‘ skips the 365th day of the year and Leap Day.

The most Sacred of the 20 calendars [measurements of synchronicity] maintained by the ancient Mayans was the 260 day Tzolkin.  According to one Mayanologist:

The Traditional Mayan calendar system is valid for the whole universe and goes back to the so-called Big Bang o when the universe was born and no solar systems with their particular cycles even existed. This is according to modern physicists and the Mayan calendar alike. Since the Traditional Mayan calendar is not limited to our own planet or solar system it is not subordinated to its particular astronomical cycles, such as the solar year. It reflects a cosmic process of creation, where our own particular solar system is just a small part.”

Traditional Mayan calendar system would be equally valid on Mars or Venus or any other planet in the cosmos as it is on earth, despite the fact that the periods of revolution of these planets would be very different from ours. In this, it differs from all other calendars in the world that are geocentric and based on the parameters of our own particular planet.

The current indigenous Mayans have kept that count of days to this time. Today is coded by Mayan Kin:  5 Monkey.

Jannis 189 directed our attention to .   Valum Votan wrote that article “The Wizard’s Count and the Triumph of the Synchronic Order”  13 years ago on October 2, 2001, “Limi Thirteen of the Electric Dog Moon” [coded by my G-Force; Kin 12:  Crystal Human.’]  Today [in The Cosmic Turtle Calendar] is Limi Thirteen of the Electric Jellyfish Moon .  [ The change of totems reduces confusion, since  Dog is already the name of the 10th  Kin]

In this article, Valum Votan explains why  he chose to eliminate the Leap Day in the Wizard’s [Dreamspel]l Count.

“After a long break in the tradition of the Chilam Balam, the count was prophetically reformulated to prepare for the Harmonic Convergence and the subsequent revelation of the Telektonon of Pacal Votan.  This count was reformulated precisely so that July 26, 1987, would be White Galactic Wizard, July 26, 1993 would be Yellow Magnetic Seed, and July 26, 2013 would be Yellow Galactic Seed.”  The full and true Harmonic Convergence will not be complete until the Earth itself becomes the Galactic Seed, 2013 Seed.”

Pacal Votan left vital information for humanity’s return to the Calendar of 13 Moons in his elaborate Temple of Inscriptions, which was built to his specifications.  It took 9 years to build his 9-leveled Temple and the elaborate Tomb, [shown with it’s 13 Clear Signs, whose sum of 13 tones = 78, today’s Kin] which was discovered precisely 1260 years later, when Valum Votan was 13 years old.


Valum Votan decoded the information in Pacal’s Tomb, and left for us a treasure trove of information.  Valum Votan::Jose Arguelles and his wife spent years spreading the message of the 13 Moons.  He  developed the Dreamspell Tzolkin which also codes the Moons and Years.  He revealed the Terma of the 7:7::7:7 which links each day of the week to a specific one of the 7 Radial Plasmas [which he referred to as ‘the building blocks of life’.   The Terma of Pacal and Valum Votan  continues to reveal  itself through the Telepathic language of Numbers.

The numbers, my conversations and experiences with Valum Votan, Crop Circles and analytical logic has guided me to always follow the 13 Moons as Valum Votan wrote and said so many times:  “Each Week, Moon and Year begins on Sunday::DALI.

In this blog:, I explained the new Formulation‘ via  The Harmonic Convergence Week-out-of-Time [with Galactic Seed 2013 on Friday:   LIMI:  PURIFICATION]:

The current Week-out-of-Time which began on the day of the Earthquake here, Sunday July 21, ensures the continuity of the Sunday::Dali correlation.   In the official 13 Moon Calendar, Galactic Freedom Day does not correlate to a Plasma.   TMQ doesn’t believe that  the flow of Radial Plasmas from Hunab Ku skips a day on a particular  Gregorian date on Planet Earth!

I believe that Votan’s ‘Reformulationthrough the Wizard’s Count  was as he stated:  To allow the momentuous 26 year Harmonic Convergence to begin on Galactic Wizard and to end on Galactic Seed 2013.  This was accomplished.  The Harmonic Convergence Week-out-of-Time  marked  that special period of time between the year of Quetzalcoatl’s Return [1987] and the end of the 26 Year Harmonic Convergence in 2013.

Then, [I believe] it was time to separate the Wizard’s Count from the Dreamspell, and begin aligning the Dreamspell and Mayan Tzolkins, with both counting each day.  I developed a Calendar which allows the DALI::Sunday alignment in perpetuity, through a mechanism used in the early New Zealand Sabbatical Calendars.

3 days after ‘the Earth itself becomes the Galactic Seed, 2013″ the Cosmic Turtle Calendar began on Sunday::DALI, on the Gregorian date that encapsulates the 7 Day Week, the 28 Day Moon” and the 13 Moon Calendar:   7/28/13   [July 28, 2013]  The Cosmic Turtle Calendar  was ‘Birthed‘ on Dreamspell Kin 66:  Planetary World-Bridger:  6.10, which numerically denotes the moment of Valum Votan’s Birth and Death at 6:10 a.m.  Metaphorically, at 6:10, Valum Votan ‘Bridged in and out of this World‘.

In the Mayan Count,  Kin 119: 2 Storm coded the beginning of The Cosmic Turtle Calendar.  119 is a Mirror of 9-11.  On 9/11/2004, the mysterious message appeared on my computer at 19:13 [7:13 p.m.]  See the Synchronic Readout at the end of ‘The Wizards’s Count…’ and you will understand why only about 10 lines of that message made sense to me at that time.  The first intelligible line said  “As of this moment in time, you are awakening to the Prophecy of the Red Queen.  The last intelligible sentence referred to me as “The Cosmic Turtle Moon Goddess‘.  [I was born in the middle of the Cosmic Turtle Moon]

In an effort to understand this life-changing message, I searched Yahoo the next morning for the crop circle that I had visited after it appeared 20 miles from my home in Benicia.  That is when I learned of a more recent formation that was also 20 miles from my home, in the fields of Solano County.  It is described in depth here [along with a photo of me with Votan and some of the Law of Time crew]: : Crop circle The Two Towers were connected to the 11-circled body [like the one shown on ‘Time and the Technosphere‘ were connected by 28 circles, denoting the 28 Day Moon as the path between the 9/11/2001 ‘Puncture in the Technosphere‘ and the Noosphere.  The 39 circles [3 x 13] reflect the date of Votan’s Report about the Wizard’s Count and  today’s transmission on 3.13, Electric Thirteen  🙂  Kin 39:  19.13 reflects the time of the 9-11 message.  Postulate 19.13:  “All is number.  God is a number.  God is in all.”  Crop circle

Perhaps this helps explain my dedication to the 13 Moon Calendar.  3 days after the message, I drove to Ashland to visit the Law of Time and see what the message and crop circle meant. I bought all of Valum Votan’s book and the Crystal Storm 13 Moon Calendar.

However, I followed the 13 Moons one day earlier than the calendar, so that each Week and Moon began on Sunday, as I found stated so many times by Valum Votan.  This meant that I did the Day-out-of-Time meditations suggested by Votan [who along with Stephanie had also moved to New Zealand] 3 days early on Saturday, July 22 N.Z.T.  I visualized [and drew]  the Roerich Peace symbol, and asked for a sign that extra-terrestrial life had received it [as V.V. had proscribed].  The following morning, the Roerich  image appeared at Windmill Hill in England!  [my surname means Windmill in French]  The Law of Time posted an article “The Day-out-of-Time Crop Circle appears 3 days Early” [Shown above]

Now that the 26 Years of Harmonic Convergence is over, we can all be synchronized with Hunab Ku, generator of the 7 Radial Plasmas and  ‘The Star People/Galactic Intelligence‘ who left that Roerich Peace sign [with a total of 13 circles]  By following the Cosmic Turtle [who has carried the  13 shells on it’s back for millions of years]  we will be synchronized with Creation instead of with the irregular Gregorian Calendar.

Valum Votan gave the 7:7::7:7  Revelation kit to 300 workshop participants at the Easter 2005 workshop in Ashland.  If we were meant to transduce [as Cosmic Vibratory Roots] the Dali Plasma on a different day each year, wouldn’t he have said so then?  To my knowledge [including many conversations with him]  he never once contradicted  what he wrote so many times:  Every Week, Moon and Year begins on Sunday::DALI”

The more advanced practices [such as the Synchronotron and the 7:7::7:7] depend upon the correct 13 Moon Day::Plasma alignment.  A few of us scattered around the planet are enough to make a difference.  For that rarefied group, The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony provides that correct alignment.

 Electric LIMI 13:  PURIFY, coded by 78:  Cosmic Mirror.

Cosmic Mirror alpha-numerically equals 153.  Cosmic Mirror synchronistically equals 153 in another way:  It’s C.G.F. [Complex Gematrical Frequency taught by Valum Votan]   is [215 + 379] is 594.  We reach it’s Base Matrix Unit by subtracting 441:  153  🙂  In several years of following the numerical systems introduced by Valum Votan, only 4 times have I found a phrase or word in which it’s Simple Gematrical Frequency [A=1, Z=26] equals the B.M.U. of it’s Complex Gematrical Frequency [A=1, Z= 800]  3 of those pertain to the Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  Cosmic Turtle {159}, Hummingbird {118} [the new totem for the Magnetic Moon] and Cosmic Mirror {153}.

The  totem for the Lunar Moon, Butterfly, appeared in the news twice this week:  “Also beautiful—and strange—is that the shape of the swarm itself resembles a giant butterfly.

Butterflies made an unusual appearance  after George Clooney  married Amal Alamuddin  at 8:18 p.m.  She is a Galactic Warrior, and is a barrister, specialising in international law, human rights, and extradition. She is  Julian Assange’s lawyer, and wore a dress of butterflies in their first appearance.  Together, this power couple with political aspirations are 39:  Cosmic Storm  🙂  Wedding rings on the hands of George Clooney and his wife Amal Alamuddin.

Votan  mentioned how the Wizard’s Count began 33 days earlier.   33:  13.7[ signifying the 13 Moon Calendar and the 7 Day Week] appeared in some unique ways today.

During the Cosmic Star watch, my octagenarian neighbor, Muriel,  and I attended a book-signing by Annabel Langbein.  The CGF of Annabel Langbein [139 + 154] = 393, with a kin Equivalent 393-260] of 33.  The CGF of Muriel is 474.  The B.M.U. [474-441] also equals 33!

During the Cosmic Wind watch, I received an e-mail from my friend Kim.  Her name alpha-numerically = 33, and Kim’s Galactic Signature also is Kin 33:  Resonant Skywalker.  Her e-mail was titled Amazing Pictures.  Imagine my delight when I saw the 8th of the 49 photos:

8. A Turtle Riding a Jellyfish

8. A Turtle Riding a Jellyfish...

May the Electric Jellyfish Moon ‘Serve toActivateand Support The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  Thirteen Moons of Harmony  🙂

Kin 79:  Magnetic Storm ends the 10th week of the 10.10 year on Electric Silio 14, and begins the 7th Wavespell:  Self-Generation

N. S. 1. 27. 3. 13.       D:  78;  M:  31    Magic Turtle CDK:  12.3;  Greg. 10/3/14

The Third Electric Moon of Activation and the Sixth Wavespell of Transformation begin on the Eve of The Equinox

Kin 66: White Magnetic World-Bridger and Mayan Kin 19: 6 Storm code the beginning of Wavespell Six and the Electric Moon of Service and Activation.

The 6th Wavespell is coded by the 6th Seal: World-Bridger, which alpha-numerically equals 135. Electric Dali One also = 135 🙂  The PSI for Electric 1 is Self-Existing Night: 3.4. Reversing that to 4.3:  Electric Seed yields the Kin that codes this Electric Moon. Today’s CDK is PVCS 20: Magnetic Sun [10.10 + 4.3 + 6.1 = 20.1]

Today’s Dreamspell Kin is 66. Freedom and Lunar both a-n = 66.  During the Lunar BUTTERFLY Moon, Scotland’s bid for Freedom from the United Kingdom was called the BUTTERFLY Rebellion .And that has become what this campaign really is – Gordon Brown swinging his big, clunking fist at a thousand butterflies.  All grunt, no connection. Because that’s what we are – a thousand butterflies.  None of us is strong. …Britain is for the rich, Scotland can be ours.  We are a campaign held together with sticky tape and goodwill.  We’re all broke (we give all our money away). We’re all exhausted (we’ve haven’t rested in two years).  None of us is scared. None of us needs anyone’s permission. And we never underestimate the people of Scotland.  This is like nothing I’ve ever seen.  We have barely a single institution on our side, barely a newspaper, and damn few millionaires.  And they are truly petrified of us.  A butterfly rebellion is coming close to winning Scotland away from the forces of the British state.  I think we’ll do it, but either way, they can’t beat us. We are already half of Scotland and we keep growing. They are weak and we are strong.  When the people of Britain see their titans defeated by a rebel army who used infographics and humour, what is there to stop them following? England needs its butterfly rebellion as well…

You can’t beat a thousand butterflies with a gun. But you can beat a gun with a thousand butterflies”.     “Was Scotland’s Referendum – Fair Or Foul? Considerable doubts remain.”   Though their 2 [Lunar] year bid for FREEDOM lost by a small margin, the Scots Butterfly Rebellion has set a FREEDOM initiative in motion, and others will follow their example.

The Electric Moon always begins of the 57th day of the 13 Moon year.  Hours after posting the PVCS 75 blog on 9/13 [here in New Zealand],  I read of 13 Shamans gathering in Siberia for 9 days of ceremonies that originated in prehistory.    Shamans from Peru, Greenland, South Korea, Mexico, Chile, Mongolia, Sweden, Belarus and Russia answered “The Call of 13 Shamans” which was timed to coincide with cosmic cycles ”  The shamans began the sacred festival by going to different locations in the mountains for three days of meditation and spiritual ceremonies “...The inner eye of the wisest shamans of Earth will open new horizons through communication with spirits, planets and stars of far Black Heaven (Cosmos), comprehension of the mysteries of the interaction of stars, planets and Mother Earth in modern times, and what to expect on our planet in the future,’ said the organisers in advance.”

9/13 was coded by PVCS 58: Rhythmic Mirror.   On that day, I also discovered a wonderful site by Galactic Wizard 34, whose daughter is coded by Rhythmic Mirror 🙂  Today is coded by Kin 19 in the Mayan count. 19.19 – 20.13 becomes 19.6: 6 Storm.  Galactic Wizard’s site displays his “19:19 Crystal Matrix 6th Dimensional Meditation Tool” 1919CrystalMatrixMeditation “ It contains and delivers prophecy, time and magic to the sub dimensional systems”. Welcome to Galactic Wizard, the latest follower here 🙂

Last week on Galactic Sun, Kim Dotcom hosted the  “Moment of TRUTH  Dotcom’s amazing conference at the Auckland Town Hall included Glenn Greenwald and Dotcom’s lawyer in his fight against extradition to the U.S.  They [and two leaders from Dotcom’s Internet and Mana Party] were joined by Edward Snowden in Russia and Julian Assange at Ecuador’s London Embassy [where something was audibly tunneling below the Embassy].  Each participant gave a  brilliant presentation regarding spying, privacy abuses and more.  It was disturbing to see how adroitly the media hid and misrepresented the amazing truths they revealed that night, in a demonstration of how well-funded orchestration of propaganda trumped the TRUTH being presented by globally-recognized heroes of Freedom and Privacy.

That day of The Moment of TRUTH was also 10th Galactic Return of the August 1, 2007 Cube crop circle, which Valum Votan told me [face-to-face] that he created [during the time he and Stephanie and myself lived a few miles apart in Nelson New Zealand].   Crop circle: August 1, 20074 Galactic Spins [1040 days] after the ‘Cube Crop Circle‘ appeared, I shared in [the 6/7/10 blog] my conclusion that  Pacal Votan was born on August 1, 603, and that this formation appeared on Pacal Votan’s 27th Solar-Galactic Return [27 x 52 years].  2007 = 27, triple NINE, Pacal’s special number.  It seems perfect that Pacal’s later incarnation as Valum Votan Kin 11 created this “Inter-Dimensional Signal‘ [through his Third Eye [like the 13 Shamans mentioned above] on the day coded by Mayan Kin 11

It’s interesting to note that the Lunar Moon of the year coded by 10.10 contained two 10th anniversaries:  10 Solar Spins [or years] since the 9/11/2004 message [in Synchronic Readout form stating that I was “Awakening to the Prophecy of the Red Queen“, etc.] and the 10th Galactic Spin since Valum Votan created the 8/1/2007 Cube Crop Circle [while a few miles away a Waitaha woman came straight from his house to mine to speak of Prophecy and plans for 5 hours]

The Kins coding those two events [6.7 and 20.8] combine into a  Pacal Votan Clear Sign: 6.2:   Lunar World-Bridger.

The Kins that code the Moon and Wavespell that begin today [4.3 and 6.1] also equal a PVCS:  10.4: Self-Existing Dog.  The 10 and 4 also mirror the 4th and 10th Galactic Spins since the Crop Circle that memorialized the 27th Solar-Galactic Return since the Birth of Pacal Votan.  As the Postulate he repeats often in Telektonon states:  19.13:  “All is number.  God is a number.  God is in all.”


The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony begins each Year and Moon  on Sunday:  DALI, and is aligned with the 7 day week [as Valum Votan wrote so many times and as shown on the learning tools:  The Telektonon and the 7:7::7:7].  To further distinguish it from the official 13 Moon Calendar that is aligned with the Gregorian Calendar, most of the Moons are being assigned a new Totem.  The Bat, totem for the Magnetic Moon was replaced by the Hummingbird, and the Lunar Scorpion became the Lunar Butterfly Moon.

The Deer is replaced by the Jellyfish as totem for the Electric Moon of Service and Activation.


Jellyfish have been around for 1/2 to 3/4 billion years!  They have been of Service to  Humanity on several occasions in the last few years.

On 10/2/2013,  Moon Jellyfish closed the world’s largest nuclear plant…During the Electric Jellyfish Moon!! Staff at the Oskarshamn nuclear plant in Sweden had to close reactor number three on Sunday after hundreds of Moon Jellyfish entered and blocked the pipes that bring in cool water to the plant’s turbines“.

And last year, staff at the California-based Diablo Canyon plant had to shut its reactor two after sea salp – a gelatinous, jellyfish-like organism – clogged pipes.” During the week of July 10, 2011, Jellyfish closed down 4 Nuclear Reactors; 2 in Scotland, and a Nuclear power plants in Japan and Israel“.

That was less than 4 months after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster, whose damage to Earth and all of her inhabitants continues to increase.  daily. the nations of the world really understood the implications of the actual ‘fallout’ – past, current and future – the current nuclear energy paradigm would be systematically shut down.”


Jellyfish are unique in 3 ways:  1:   They are the oldest multi-organ creatures on our planet; 2:   Jellyfish serve the earth in the unique  manner mentioned above; and:

3:  A Japanese jellyfish researcher says:  “Out of all the animals in the world, only Jellyfish are able to reverse the aging process instead of dying,” he said. “We really don’t know their lifespan. They might live forever.” – See more at:

Like the new totems for the first two Moons, the Jellyfish has been imprinted in the fields of England.

This Jellyfish Crop Circle appeared in England on 5/29/2009  D:  11 World-Bridger;  M: 2 Mirror.  Note the two sets of ‘7‘s   🙂
At the ancient Maya city of Chichén Itzá, during the spring and fall equinoxes, the great pyramid of Kukulcán serves as a visual symbol of the day and night as the sun of the late afternoon creates the illusion of a snake creeping slowly down the northern staircase.  Each year tourists visit the site at the equinoxes in appreciation of Maya achievements in astronomy and their obsession with time and cycles of the heavens”   In New Zealand [= 105], the Equinox [=105] occurs on the 3rd day of the 3rd Moon, which is also the first Magic Turtle Day of the Electric Jellyfish Moon:  Electric Star.  The Equinox is a good day to tune into the Mayan Masters of Time.  Enjoy the Equinox, wherever  you are  🙂
N.  1. 27. 3. 1.       Electric Dali One      D:  66;   M:  19         9/21/14


Pacal Votan Clear Sign Kin 57: Red Overtone Earth codes the 20th Day of the Lunar Butterfly Moon

This is the most PVCS-saturated‘ few days of the Dreamspell Tzolkin:  PacalVotanClearSigns 57, 58 and 60.   Today [17.5] and the Kin coding the Moon [3.2] equal 20.7: PVCS Kin 20:  Resonant Sun. When we add in 10.10 for the Kin that codes this year in The Cosmic Turtle Calendar, we get another PVCS:   kin 30:  Self-Existing Dog.

The synchronizing of numbers yields clues, and the 13 Pacal Votan Clear Signs found on the Tomb of Pacal Votan, and  decoded by Valum Votan, emphasize the significance of the numbers and their messages.  The main message of Pacal;s heavily inscribed tomb was that Humanity needs to return to the Path of the 13 Moons.

Synchronistically, today’s Mayan Kin is 10 Dog, which codes this year, and Overtone Earth alpha-numerically equals 166.  Kin 166:  Planetary World-Bridger [6.10]  coded the first year of The Cosmic Turtle Calendar.  6:10 a.m. coded the precise moment of Valum Votan‘s entry [birth] and departure from Earth.

While meditating during the hour of the Super Moon on 9/9 [9.9 codes this ‘official 13 Moon year‘] I reflected upon the fact the Super Moon was at it’s fullest at 1:38 [in New Zealand].  Planetary Dog [10.10] alpha-numerically equals 138, and kin 138:  Galactic Mirror  codes this writer.  New Zealand a-n equals 105;  Pacal Votan a-n equals 105; the Complex Gematrical Frequency of PACAL is 105  🙂  All of these signs [PVCSs, todays Dreamspell and Mayan kins and the alpha-numerics]  indicate a renewed focus upon the 13 Moon Calendar.

Since the last blog, three 441 Cube Kins have written about their investigations of and resonance with the 13 Moon Calendar.  For several years, s’ace28 [9 Wind] has followed his own version, and his comment at the prior post has links to it.  Today, RoToSo 3 Eagle wrote about his studies with “Sergio Calderón Cheh K’eh,… the son of Héctor Calderón, an author and engineer who happened to be present when the Tomb of Pacal was opened”        Mike 5 World-Bridger and his sons Joseph and Jack in New Zealand have joined me in observing DALI, the first day of the Week on Sunday  🙂  Mike wrote [via e-mail]:  “the consciousness can link in the  NOW, when synchronized with our Moons cycles and daily radial plasmas not to mention tzolkin the day is informing us on multiple levels teaching us to hold our Orbits individually and collectively, global conciousness is unavoidable and welcomed“.  

I’d also like to Welcome three new ‘Followers‘ since the last blog:  Windsong28, Kabalista, and Zara.  Zara ‘liked’  the blog for 10.10  That served as another reminder of the Kin coding this year, and that it’s  Hidden Power is Self-Existing Monkey, which coded 9/11/2001.

The 13th Anniversary of 9/11/2001 was on Lunar 19, coded by Self-Existing Warrior, which alpha-numerically [and synchronistically] equals 251.  Kin 251:  Self-Existing Monkey. .  Here is an excellent 5 minute video of that eventful day:   The ‘9/11’ tragedy  was the beginning of 13 years of war and domestic repression.  This week brings a turnaround in that downhill spiral, as we begin a new Wavespell of 13 Solar Spins [years]  since 9/11/2001:

“Did Putin just bring Peace to Ukraine?” – “There is no way to overstate the significance of what has transpired in Ukraine in the last three weeks. What began as a murderous onslaught on the mainly Russian-speaking population of east Ukra, has turned into a major triumph against a belligerent and expansionistic empire that has been repulsed by a scrappy, battle-hardened militia engaged in a conventional, land-based war”…  the fact that Washington’s global resource war– which began on 9-11 and has reduced numerous sovereign countries into anarchic, failed states– has been stopped in its tracks, is significant” . September 08, 2014 “ICH” – “Counterpunch” –

This morning, [3 days after I linked the article above] I awoke from a very long and vivid dream of visiting Vladimir Putin  in Russia! The dream took place over the first two days of my visit, which included several encounters with Pres. Putin.  While we were walking outdoors in the woods, I  mentioned to Putin that he seemed to be fulfilling  Edgar Cayce’s prediction that Russia would be the “Hope of the World”  American mystic Edgar Cayce  [D: Lunar Wizard;  M: 13 Wizard said several times, this quote is from  1944:  ” In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born.  It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.   🙂

This article delineates how Warriors for  TRUTH and PEACE are prevailing:  “Look at the backlash every time there’s a false flag or engineered media stunt.  Don’t think the “alternative” media is all that “alternative” to anything, we’re playing front and center in the real world. The would-be controllers are listening as we amass weight, evidence and awareness. Many, many more are listening than they’ll ever let on. We’ve deviated war plans and screwed up their agenda big time no matter how carefully these bastards have planned their intended takeover and how many low level sycophants they’ve recruited to execute their diabolical agenda.”

Spiritual Warriors:  …….Stand strong. One with Truth outweighs armies of lies.  Nickelback:  “Edge of a Revolution

This huge formation, comprised of 3 parts produced on 3 days  seemed to indicate a countdown to the Super Moon, or to the arrival of friends from Space:

Klaatu Barada NiktoThe Galactic Federation comes in PEACE”  [per Valum Votan]  They come from ‘somewhere up there’:Airglow sky stars celestial astronomy

This photo of our Galaxy was taken in Tibet during rare atmospheric conditions.  ‘ The colourful ripples of stars seem to form a luminescent spiral in a phenomenon known asairglow.”’

The discovery of ‘Laniakea, the biggest structure in the local Universe’ was announced on 9-3-14, the same day the final part of that crop circle was discovered.

Laniakea Supercluster

A slice of the Laniakea Supercluster in the supergalactic equatorial plane.  Using a new mapping technique that takes into account the motions — and not just the distances — of nearby galaxies, astronomers discovered that the Milky Way is located in the suburb of a massive, previously unknown super-cluster they named Laniakea, a term from Hawaiian words meaning immeasurable heaven.

Actually, Laniakea’s girth is measurable:  The super-cluster spans 520  [Two 260 day Tzokins:  a PSI field]  million light-years in diameter, more than five times larger than the cluster previously believed to be the Milky Way’s cosmic home.  The PSI for today, Lunar 20 is Resonant Skywalker, 13.7.  This article describes 4 very positive impacts meditation has upon our brains.

woman-meditating  “The blending of a community of neuroscientists, Eastern and Western meditators, and Buddhist scholars is forming the new field of ‘mContemplative Science‘. This emerging area of research applies the scientific method and advanced neuroimaging techniques in combination with various meditation traditions. This collaboration has led to incredible insight into the changes that occur in the brain from meditation.

9/11/2014 was the 10th anniversary of the mysterious computer message that appeared on my computer at 19:13 [7:13 p.m.] on 9/11/2004.  That day [which activated my deep interest in the 13 Moon Calendar, my move to New Zealand, and my friendship with Valum Votan and Stephanie South, who then moved here]   was coded by Kin 46:   Resonant World-Bridger.  Kin 46 was 10 days earlier [9/1/2014], illustrating the  sacred 7:5 ratio of 7 260 day Tzolkins to every 5 13 Moon years of 364 days.  When we remove the 10 ‘Days-out-of-Time’ [as prescribed by The Cosmic Turtle Calendar] from the last 10 years, then Kin 46 synchronizes perfectly with the end of 14 Galactic Spins and  10 Solar Spins since 9/11/2004.    {14:10} 2 = 7:5  🙂

This example of the precise alignment of the 7:5 ratio adds further credence to The Cosmic Turtle Calendar which perpetually aligns the 364 days of the 13 Moon year with the 7 day week, instead of the irregular Gregorian calendar.  

The 3rd Moon of Activation will reveal a new Totem and the further activation of The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony.

May we all be blessed with an Abundance of  Dreams of Harmony during the remaining 8 days of the Lunar Butterfly Moon which is coded by Lunar Night  🙂

N. S. 1.  27. 2. 20       LIMI::Purifies          D: PVCS 57 :: M:  10 Dog      9/12/2014        

Magic Turtle Kin 41: Lunar Dragon codes the 4th day of the Lunar Night Moon

The Lunar Moon of Challenge  began on Sunday [G: 8/23/2014]  which was coded by D: 38:  Crystal Mirror and M:  4 Monkey.  The Hidden Power of Crystal Mirror is Blue Lunar Night [Kin 223] which also codes this Moon.  223:  “I polarize in order to Dream, Stabilizing Intuition.  I  seal the input of Abundance with the Lunar tone of Challenge.  I am guided by the power of Vision.

This 790th blog is coded by Magic Turtle : 41:  Lunar Dragon, and M: 7 Ix [Resonant Wizard]   790 – 441 = a Base Matrix Unit of 249:  Lunar Moon  🙂 

 The Postulate for today:  1.2:  “The Source of the frequency of time is God, which is visualized at the center of the Galactic Brain.  From this supreme coordinating intelligence of God radiates simultaneously to all points of the Galactic Brain,throughout all the Galactic Brains which constitute the universal order of God’s design.  The movement of time as the evolution of consciousness is released from the center as energy, and returns to the center as mind.”

Kin 41 was described by Valum Votan as ‘The interval of God.”

The following from illustrates how the celestial positions reflect  Kin 41  and this Lunar Moon of Challenge during the New Moon that began on PVCS 40:  Magnetic Sun:

This planetary alignment is named the Finger of God for a reason.  It forces difficult situations upon us so that we are faced with the challenge to rise above them and to evolve the soul. It is asking us now to truly take hold of some transmutation by slowing down (quincunx), accepting aspects of yourself you would like to improve (Virgo) and when embracing your limitations (Scorpio), you ultimately allow yourself to be inwardly transformed. This is essential thinking to this pattern.”

Butterflies drink turtles tears

The Totem for the Second Moon of  The COSMIC TURTLE  Calendar is the BUTTERFLY  🙂

This ‘Butterfly’ crop circle appeared in the fields of England on 7-20-2007  which was coded by D: Solar Star: M:  12 Storm.

This  crop circle illustrates how the 2 sides of a Butterfly describe the polar quality of the 2nd Lunar Moon, and this Totem  image contains 2 Moons  🙂

 The Butterfly symbolizes Transformation,  Rebirth and the world of the Soul.  The Butterfly represents our Challenge to Evolve.

  butterfly on flower

This huge man-made  Butterfly appeared on 8-8-2009  D: Self-Existing Earth::M: 8 Moon.

 Fantastic, but man-made. 

Here are 3 uplifting accomplishments by Humans who are rising to the Challenges of this intense time on Earth.

The first one is aided by Butterflies  🙂  “Though butterflies may not be as efficient as bees in pollinating plants and crops, butterflies certainly do their fair share in bringing about seed and fruit production”

Besides being  stunningly beautiful, this tree also produces 40 kinds of fruit!

Another  inventor ,17-year-old Cynthia Sin Nga Lam from Australia.   created a way   to purify water without the use of electricity.  In fact, her invention actually creates electricity of its own!   The “Google Science Fair”  featured a number of brilliant inventions, many of which were created by teenagers and young children.

The last example of human ingenuity utilized one of our modern  challenges [plastic in our oceans]  to create an off-the-grid paradise:

Man Builds Floating Tropical Island Paradise on 150,000 Recycled  Plastic Bottles

The next Magic Turtle Day  will be on September 9:  Lunar WizardOne analysis of this most recent crop circle extracts elements from it’s surroundings to state that this formation is related to the Super Moon on that day.  Ironwell Lane, nr Stroud Green, Essex, United Kingdom. Reported 24th August.

During the Sun Wavespell of Enlightenment, may we begin to “UNIFY in order to ENLIGHTEN”  🙂

N. S :   27. 2. 4.      [8-27-14]         D: 41:: M:  254

The 5th Anniversary of ‘2013andTMQ’ is coded by P.V.C.S. and G.A.P. Kin 26: White Cosmic World-Bridger

Pacal Votan Clear Sign and Galactic Activation Portal Kin 26:  Cosmic World-Bridger codes the 5 year [65 Moons] Anniversary of the first published transmission of “2013 and The Mystery Queen’ on August 12, 2009 [coded by Kin 21:  Galactic Dragon]  Interesting to observe that we advanced 5 years on the Gregorian calendar, and 5 days on the Dreamspell Tzolkin  🙂  Today’s Mayan kin is 5 Storm;  The two Kins coding this 5th anniversary combine into 5.5  🙂   The G-Force of 13 World-Bridger is also a P.V.C.S. and G.A.P.:  Kin 40:  Magnetic Sun.

8/12/2009 was the 178th anniversary of the birth of Madame Blavatsky, who was coded by Dreamspell [D]: Crystal Monkey, and Mayan Tzolkin [M]: Spectral Storm.  [Her two kins combine to make 10.10, Planetary Dog.]  Today, her 183rd birthday, contains the numbers of her year of birth:  1831, and today’s Mayan Kin is her G-Force:   Spectral Skywalker Here is a pertinent quote from  H. P. Blavatsky, the woman Valum Votan called ‘The Key to 2012″: 

Following the 13Moons is a step away from materialism [which is embodied in the Gregorian Calendar] and towards Nature and the Divine.   Today is the 17th Day of the Magnetic Wind Moon and the Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony, which both began on 7/27/14: D 10: Planetary Dog; MLunar Night [which codes the next Moon].

During the Magnetic Hummingbird Moon,  our goal is to Unify our Purpose” and ourselves.  This photo illustrates that beautifully:

In the last 4 Earth post,  Peace was named as a ‘tag’ for the first time. Oxford Dictionary describes Peace as ‘Tranquility‘, and peace of Mind’.  Wiki’s definition: “Peace is an occurrence of Harmony characterized by lack of violence, conflict behaviors and the freedom from fear of violence“.

According to my WordPress stats, the PEACE tag attracted 33 new readers on the first day.  That would be a miniscule sample of those ‘searching for Peace’, and that prompted a comparative search.  On Yahoo, PEACE showed 72,500,000 entries, while War displayed 206,000,000 results.  On Google, the number of PEACE entries was 224,000,000 while war had 612,000,000.

War had roughly 3 times as many ‘results’ as PEACE.  Clearly, that is a reflection of the names of all the various wars that plague mankind, and not an indication of the huge overwhelming amount of people who desire PEACE, including those who are forced to wage war.

Over 10,000 rallied at the White House [last weekend] demanding an end to the Israeli-lead bombing and destruction of the Gaza territory. The historic demonstration was the biggest anti-war march in over a generation and bore resemblance to anti-war rallies of the Vietnam War era.”

But when the pawns refuse to play there will be no game.  The power lies not with the plans of the rulers but with the decision of each and every one of us, especially those in the military. Refuse to fight and reclaim your birthright of living in peace.”

Last week, more than 400 Ukrainian soldiers refused to kill their fellow countrymen in eastern Ukraine. They “defected” across the border to Russia and laid down their arms.  One of them, Yaroslav, said: “I want to do something peaceful.”

Some Israeli soldiers are also recognising that what they are doing is wrong. Dozens refused the summons to service:  “ We are more than 50 Israelis who were once soldiers and now declare our refusal to be part of the reserves. We oppose the Israeli Army and the conscription law.”

The tragic conflicts in Gaza and Iraq  shouldn’t distract us from the  volatile events unfolding in the Ukraine.  Astute observers believe World War 111 will begin, and some believe it has already begun: .  This short video ends with the words:  “Your future lies in what happens in Eastern Europe“.

However, Russian President ‘Vladimir Putin the Peacemaker’ may strategically  [to continue with the Chess metaphor]  ‘Check‘ that action.  First, he is acting to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Lugansk, where “250,000 people have been left without water, electricity and communications for over a week in the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk. “We’re being bombed so severely, there’s hardly anything left to bomb”

And Naomi Klein’s soon-to-be-released book ” This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate.  addresses the core issue [which Valum Votan spent his life rectifying]

Last week, [on Kin 19] I was able to meet Kim Dotcom Self -Existing Night [self-described “Entrepreneur – Innovator – Gamer – Artist – Fighter – Father of 5 “] after his townhall meeting in Nelson with his ‘Internet Mana Party’. Kim was seated in front of  a large poster which might provide the first step in changing the economic model:  “Let’s hack politics and delete the government

Last week, a tipping point was reached in the balance between Humans and Artificial Intelligence:

The Second Half of the Magnetic Moon began with the Super Moon which may have been the ‘largest’ and nearest Full Moon since 1935! “During its full phase Sunday, the moon was about 31,000 miles (50,000 kilometers) closer to Earth than it is during its farthest point in orbit“.  The Moon was at it’s ‘fullest’ in the same hour as the maximum Perigee.  The 3rd and final one in this series of ‘Perigee Full Moons’ will occur on 9/9/2014.  It will also be accompanied by the Perseid Meteor Shower  🙂  One crop circle analyst describes how the latest ‘Inter-dimensional Signal’ may have been signalling the Super Moons of 8/10 and 9/9/2014Several times he mentions 9 or 10‘, which are also the choice of the two Kins that began this 13 Moon year

When this blog began 5 years ago, it was the one in 6 or 7 years that the ‘official 13 Moon Calendar’ happened to begin each Moon and Week on Sunday, as decreed by Valum Votan. When the next year began, I continued to follow the 13 Moons as I have since learning of them exactly 10 years ago.

The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony remains synchronized with the 7 day Week and the Dreamspell stays linked to the Mayan Tzolkin which also counts every day [instead of skipping the Gregorian-contrived Leap Day as the ‘official 13 Moon Calendar’ does.     This choice  has regrettably alienated or confused some.   I strive to stress our common ground, while providing a 13 Moon Path that is grounded in Truth,  Harmony and Common Sense, and that was confirmed by the “Day-out-of-Time 3 Days Early” crop circle in 2006.

I greatly appreciate all of your support and input over these first 5 years  🙂  Next year, the ‘Official 13 Moon Calendar‘ will be in synch with The Cosmic Turtle Calendar —at least until Leap Day 2016!

The 6th year of ‘2013 and The Mystery Queen’ begins with a new Wavespell,  Wavespell 3: Power of Accomplishment,  and a Magic Turtle Day:  Blue Magnetic Hand.   The 3rd Wavespell begins in this 3rd week of the Magnetic Moon and leads us into the Lunar Night Moon. The next transmission [the 790th] will introduce the new Totem for the Lunar Moon  🙂

May   PEACE,   TRUTH,   UNITY  and  JOY  Prevail !!!

1. 27. 1. 17.         PVCS and GAP D Kin 26 :: M GAP 239

The Second Week of the Cosmic Turtle Calendar begins on Kin 17: Self-Existing Earth

Today, Sunday, is Day of the Cosmic Turtle Calendar.   This  ‘8‘ was  discovered in a Dutch field on the 8th day of July 8 [portrayed as a lemniscate in this angle of the crop circle} is the number of HARMONY and Infinity.  This is the 788th published blog of ‘2013 and The Mystery Queen’, producing another ‘8‘:  the Kin Equivalent of 788 is 8.8:  Galactic Star  🙂

Magnetic Dali 8 is coded by Long Count Kin 9 Dog.   Together, the Dreamspell Kin 17:  4 Earth and L.C. Kin 230 = Kin 247:  Cosmic Hand.  19 x 13 = 247.  Postulate 19.13 states:  “All is number.  God is a number.  God is in all.”

“Week 2: (White) Humility Refines Meditation”  This Week, we have the highest synchronization of refining ‘White‘ energy:  This 13 Moon year in the Cosmic Turtle Calendar began on [and is coded by] White Planetary Dog.  This year [in both 13 Moon Calendars] is coded by the White Wind Wavespell of Spirit, with this Moon being coded year by Magnetic Wind.  Today, the Long Count Kin is White Solar Dog; tomorrow, the Dreamspell Kin is White Overtone Mirror.  This feels like a great week for meditating more than usual  🙂  This week also coincides with the second quarter of the Moon’s cycle.

The Cosmic History Chronicles by  Valum Votan and Stephanie South discusses ‘Synaesthesia.’

Wikipedia’s definition  displays this image  to illustrate how synesthetes see letters and numbers in color.

This fascinating article:  discusses how idea of the ‘blossoming ‘union of one’s senses’ has gone mainstream with its introduction on a recent English television program.  Holly Williams, author of the article, has been a synesthete her entire life, and can smell rainbows  🙂   She sees each day of the week  [and month] as a particular color


People around the world are protesting en masse at Israel’s appalling ongoing massacre in Gaza.  Turkey is being more proactive by organizing a ‘Freedom Flotilla’ with urgently needed supplies for the beleaguered people there.  Let’s envision a more positive outcome than the fate of 2010’s ‘Mavi Marmara’, in which 9 of the humanitarians on board were killed by Israeli commandos.

3510168399.jpg  Anonymous has taken down the Mossad website.   We can each make a difference in ensuring that the murdered Palestinian children and all victims of war have not have suffered in vain.    Our beautiful EARTH and all of Her inhabitants require a return to Natural Time and PEACE  🙂



N. S. 1. 27. 1. 8.   D 17 :: LC  230;  Day 8 of The Cosmic Turtle Calendar: 13 Moons of Harmony


White Magnetic Wizard Codes the First ‘Magic Turtle Day’ of the new 13 Moon Year

White Wizard Wavespell Two:  Power of Timelessness begins today on Day 5 of the Magnetic Wind Moon.  This day is coded by Dreamspell Kin 14:  Magnetic Wizard and by Long Count Rhythmic Hand.

The next blog was planned for the 8th day of this Magnetic Moon whose totem is the Hummingbird.  But this brief transmission was inspired by awakening to the news of the latest crop circle.  July was a ‘bumper crop’ for crop circles:  31 ‘Interdimensional Signals’  were reported in the first 30 days of this month.  The was discovered a few hours ago: at

Roundway Hill, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 30th July.  This formation reminded one person of this illustration which seems perfect for this Wizard Wavespell of Timelessness:

Thank you for the comments from Vernon 221 [who coded the Cosmic Moon],  Jannis 7 Moon [with the ‘Peace‘ crop circle from his area of the Sun region] and Peace::Raven::Walker [Happy Galactic Return to you, 13 Skywalker  :)].  Piety Piet 55 weighed in with 4 comments, some of which I’m still digesting.  3 Eagle has written much more here this year than I  🙂

The Postulate for this Magic Turtle Day is a ‘timely‘ one to consider during this first full Wavespell of the Cosmic Turtle Calendar year.

14.1:  “AD 2013 is the synchronization point signalling the completion of all of the necessary exercises to open the interplanetary flux tube-time tunnels of the heliocosm.  Telepathic continuing consciousness becomes normalized, making possible the common functioning of the super conscious order.”

May the Magic and Timelessness of this Wavespell enhance our connection with each other and with Spirit {which codes this 13 Moon year} 🙂

1. 27. 1. 5.        Magic Turtle Kin 14 ::  L.C. Kin 227   ::   Gregorian: 7/31/14


The Cosmic Turtle Calendar: 13 Moons of Harmony Begin Today

Pacal Votan believed it was critically important for humanity to return to the natural cycles of the 13 Moons.  He had the necessary information inscribed upon his tomb in Palenque, Mexico after his death in 683.  His beloved Bolon Ik [later known as the Red Queen], who was buried in the adjacent Temple [13] made an oath to bring the 13 Moons back to life.

1300 years later, Valum Votan [Jose Arguelles] decoded the inscriptions on Pacal’s tomb, and reintroduced and promoted the 13 Moons through years of global travel,  and many books, interviews and articles.

On 9/11/2004, a mysterious message appeared on my computer at 19:13. [7:13 p.m. on Saturday, Lunar Silio 21]   Only 10 lines of the message were intelligible to me at that time.  The first of these was:  “As of 19:13, you are awakening to the Prophecy of the Red Queen“.  The last  line that made sense referred to me as the Cosmic Turtle Moon Goddess”  {I was born on July 10th,  in the middle of the Cosmic Turtle Moon}

The next day, I learned of a crop circle that was placed 20 miles from my home, in which 28 circles [28 days in a Moon] extended from two high electrical towers, connecting with an 11-circled body that appears on the cover of Valum Votan’s book “Time and the Technosphere“.  The Two Towers referenced 9/11, which Votan’s book referred to as the ‘puncture in the Technosphere’ which leads to the Noosphere.   At the time, the 39 circles reminded me of 3×13, but during my trip to the Law of Time in Ashland a few days later, I learned that kin 39 was also referenced as 19:13, the time of the 9/11 message.

Since that ‘awakening‘, I have begun each 28 day Moon on Sunday, as Valum Votan wrote in so many places.  He had ample opportunity to correct me during our many times together, and never wrote anything to contradict his many statements that “Every Week, Moon and 13 Moon year begins on Sunday“.

The Day-out-of-Time’ crop circle that appeared on July 22, 2006 [“3 days early” according to the Law of Time site] and hours after I did the suggested Day-out-of-Time meditations ‘three days early’ on Saturday::Cosmic Silio 28, was further confirmation that each year, Moon and Week ends on Saturday, and begins on Sunday.

The current ‘official 13 Moon Calendar’ is aligned with the Gregorian Calendar, and to ‘fit’ that crooked system, must skip a day or 2 each year.

The Cosmic Turtle Calendar counts every day,  just as the Mayan Long Count does.  The Mayan word for Day is Kin, which denotes the 24 hour period of a Day and Night alternation.  It doesn’t seem right to skip some of those days as the Gregorian and the ‘official 13 Moon Calendar’ do [Example:  Leap Day]

Today, Sunday, [7-27-2014] marks the beginning of a new 13 Moon year that is aligned with the more ancient and globally recognized 7 day week.  Today is also the beginning of a New Moon, and of a new period of time ‘ruled‘ by the Mahavidia: Bhairavi  {The Goddess who opens the Heart}

This is an auspicious day to begin “The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony”  🙂  The Turtle has remained on this planet for 220,000 years with the emblem of the 13 Moons on it’s back, and usually 28 shells around the perimeter, to remind us of the 13 Moons of 28 days

The Turtle will remain the totem for the 13th Cosmic Moon, but most of the Moons will receive a new totem in The Cosmic Turtle Calendar [in part so that they aren’t confused with the names of some of the 20 solar seals].

In the Cosmic Turtle Calendar, the new totem for the Magnetic Moon of Purpose is the Hummingbird.

“The hummingbird is a symbol of regeneration or resurrection.  The Hummingbird is the creature that opens the heart… With hummingbird consciousness, we learn the truth of beauty.  Our life becomes a wonderland of delights in flowers, aromas and tastes.  We laugh and enjoy creation, we appreciate the magic of the present moment, and the magic of being alive.

The Hummingbird has been memorialized by the Mayans, as this image of Quetzalcoatl with a Hummingbird shows:


The Star People imprinted the Hummingbird into the English crops on July 2, 2009

In Peru, a huge image of this tiniest bird was  imprinted in the Nazca Plains

 The Hummingbird in this image has 18 appendages.  A synchronicity that reinforces the Hummingbird as the totem for the Magnetic Moon is that alpha-numerically, Hummingbird = 118:  Magnetic Mirror.  The CGF of Hummingbird is 559, which [reduced by 441] has a B.M.U. of 118, making the Hummingbird ‘Magnetic‘ in 2 numerical systems  🙂

During the Magnetic Hummingbird Moon we set our Purpose for the Year.  One of my goals is to post a blog for each Week of this Year, to facilitate others who begin each Week and Moon on Sunday.  Another goal is to move to the country which has 132 varieties of Hummingbirds [and an abundance of Turtles] before the  Cosmic Turtle Moon begins  🙂

This first day of the Cosmic Turtle Year is coded by Dreamspell Kin 10:  Planetary Dog [a-n = 138]  and Long Count Kin 223:  Lunar Night. White Wind Wavespell 18:  Power of SPIRIT codes this year in both 13 Moon systems.

Thanks to Jannis 7 Moon for sharing how this crop circle [discovered on Cosmic 20, coded by Kin 1:  Magnetic Dragon]:

    represents PEACE      

As the Israeli operation Protective Edge has so far claimed over 1,000 dead, users have been flooding the web with dozens of photos of Jews and Arabs together showcasing Peace and Love, under the hashtag #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies.  The campaign was launched by Abraham Gutman (Jewish) and Dania Darwish (Arab), both students at Hunter College in New York, immediately after the start of Operation Protective Edge in Gaza – and this week it gained momentum.”

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                             P E A C E  WILL  P R E V A I L   !!!

1. 27. 1. 1.          Dreamspell   Kin 10:  Planetary Dog   L.C. Kin 223           7-27-2014