Kin 118: White Magnetic Mirror codes the Solar-Galactic Return of this Cosmic Turtle Year.

The Cosmic Turtle 13 Moon Calendar and the year, 2017, began 260 days ago, on Kin 118:  White Magnetic Mirror.   In the Mayan Tzolkin the first day of the year [and today] was/is  coded by  Kin 72:  Yellow Resonant Human.

The 13 tones of the 10th Mirror Wavespell:  Endlessness. codes the 13 Moons of this Cosmic Turtle Calendar [C.T.C.] year.  Today is  Day 9 of the 10th Planetary Moon of Manifestation;  this Moon is coded by Kin 127, Blue  Planetary Hand.    Today, Monday 9/18/2017, is Day 27 of the Lunar Moon of Polarity in the Law of Time [LoT]  13 Moon Calendar.  Following any 13 Moon Calendar is more harmonic and more connected with the cycles of nature than being immersed in the irregular  12 Month Gregorian calendar.

The Postulate for today [and for this year] is 18.1 which states:  “The ejection of thermic-luminic properties at supernova excitation is a correlate function og a higher meditational program of the Valactic Federation.  This meditational program is coordinated by the pilot angel program of the intelligence originally evolved by the stellar mass on its trajectory toward becoming a supernova.’

The 7 radial plasmas are combinations of Thermic and Luminic properties. The Cosmic Turtle Calendar begins every Year, Moon and  Week  on Sunday, which  means that the 7:7::7:7 Practice remains consistent, as shown on the board and cards for the 7:7::7:7 teaching game developed by Valum Votan. The First Radial Plasma:  Dali,  correlates to Sunday [‘Endlessly‘], and to the same Chakra:  the Crown.  7:7::7:7 Telektonon Revelation: Radial Matrix-Plasma Universe Model Nying-Thig Terma of Mayan ...  7:7::7:7 Teletonon Revelation: “Terma of Mayan Galactic Time…”

The second day of the week, Monday,  is always linked to Radial Plasma 2:  Seli, and to the Root Chakra.  It’s Action is ‘Flow’.  Today, focus on your Root Chakra while saying  the  Affirmation for SELI.:   “My Mother is the Ultimate Sphere.  I see the Light.’

This seemingly simple practice can have some important ‘Planetary  applications‘ as detailed in one of the ‘Cosmic History Chronicles‘ written by Valum Votan and Stephanie South.

During this Planetary Moon, a Planetary Movement is Manifesting:


We are fulfilling the Eagle and Condor Prophecy to Unite  Humanity in Peace

Nightly Meditation for Peace and Love


  • Inviting everyone for 8 minutes at 8PM to create the highest vision by holding Forgiveness, Peace, Joy, Love, BALANCE for our Nova Earth, with Gaia, our Gaian community, and the Higher Realms.
  • When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being Peace and Love, then Peace will reign.” – Archangel Michael
  • Hold the sense of inner peace, and eradicate by giving away for the collective that sense of the need to be right, because the need to be right is what leads to wars.”- Sanat Kumara Planetary Logos, Keeper of Universal Law.

    Peace Activists at   and implore Humanity around the Planet:

    We are giving you 40+ years of Peace CraftingCan you give 10 minutes to Scroll Down and                                                      Read as you become focused on this Online Convention ?

    Tonight, at 8,  during the Magnetic Star [8.1] watch, which is the Challenge for today and for this Magnetic Mirror year, let’s add our intent and energy to the Global Meditation for Planetary Peace, Love and Unity.Resultado de imagen para Paradise on earth Resultado de imagen para humans holding hands Resultado de imagen para Paradise on earth Resultado de imagen para Paradise on earth

May the  Path of the 13 Moons lead us to greater Planetary Peace, Love and Unity

Monday 9/18/2017  Kin 118:  White Magnetic Mirror;  Mayan 72: Blue Resonant Monkey [ Solar-Galactic Return of the Magnetic Mirror Year].  CTC:  Planetary SELI 9;  LoT:  Lunar 27



Magic Turtle Day: Kin 131: Magnetic Monkey codes the 6th Year Anniversary of ‘2013 and The Mystery Queen’

Six years {78 Moons} ago today,  the first blog appeared on Magnetic Kali Eighteen of the Self-Existing Seed year. This 803rd post also falls on the 18th day of this Magnetic Moon, which is coded by the Eagle.  Today’s Kin 131:  Magnetic Monkey  codes the Solar Anniversary of this blog, while it’s G-Force; 121: Self-Existing Dragon codes the Galactic Signature of the Law of Time.

For the first time since the Self-Existing Seed year ended, the official 13 Moon Calendar year, coded by the Planetary Wizard, began on Sunday, thereby synchronizing with The Cosmic Turtle Calendar which begins each Week, Moon and Year on Sunday. For those who follow the 7:7::7:7 Telektonon, the Revelation of Valum Votan, we will all be transducing the same Plasma on the same day–until the official 13 Moon Calendar skips February 29th, 2016; Leap Day

KALI 18: CATALYZE; SACRAL Chakra. SP-Earth: “My Name is the Glorious Lotus-Born. I Catalyze the Light-Heat Within.” The Moon, the Day and the Radial Plasma all bear the Catalytic Blue energy on this Magic Turtle Day. Consequently, there is an abundance of Transformative opportunity during this 3rd Blue Week of the year, at the beginning of the 11th Blue Monkey Wavespell of Magic :).
Today’s 13 Moon date is written numerically as 1.18. The CTC totem for this Magnetic Moon of Purpose is the Hummingbird.  Hummingbird adds up to 118 in the Simple Gematrical Frequency [where A=1; Z-26] and in the Complex G. F. taught by Valum Votan, Hummingbird adds up to 559, which reduced by 441 also = 118.

Image result for hummingbirds in vilcabambaImage result for hummingbirds in vilcabamba

Today we are at the Heart of the Tzolkin, and this blog emanates from the Heart of the Earth: Ecuador!

This crop circle appeared in Wiltshire around the time we arrived in Ecuador. One researcher’s interpretation: The Eagle has landed, and ‘new beginnings‘. The Magnetic Eagle Moon of Purpose began the next day 🙂

On the first day of the Planetary Wizard year, I  rented a ‘13:20′ Eco-house with privacy and spectacular views above Vilcabamba. For two Moons, this lovely house provides a perfect setting for a spiritual retreat totally immersed in nature. The only voices heard are those of birds, roosters, donkeys, squirrels, dogs and the horse next door. The village of Vilcabamba is a steep 20 minute hike plus a 3 minute bus ride away.

After 3 years of online research, Vilcabamba exceeds my high expectations in several ways.  Although I knew it was nestled in a valley in the Andes, I am constantly amazed by the beauty surrounding me, and the changing light upon the mountains.  The weather here really is perfect, the people are friendly and happy, the food is delicious and the prices of everything except housing are very affordable.

Here are some first observations derived from constant travel between Quito, Cuenca and Vilcabamba while Rhythmic Sun was here:

Everyone has a cell phone, nearly every woman of all ages has very long hair,  people are very affectionate in public, and almost no one smokes cigarettes.Tthe vehicles here are newer than in New Zealand, the drivers navigate steep curvy roads very quickly and skillfully, passports are required at every hotel, flight and even for the  shuttles between Cuenca and Vilcabamba, and Cuenca and Loja.  Roosters don’t just crow in the morning, and the free range eggs actually come in a variety of colors–at first I thought they had been dyed pale pink, green, and blue!

So, the G.A.P. Planetary Wizard year, guided by Spirit,  is off to a magical and more natural 13:20 beginning. Let’s manifest a world of Peace, Magic and Joy!

N. S. 1. 28. 1. 18.       Magic Turtle Kin 131;  M.T. 6 Seed    Aug. 12. 2014

Crop Circles, the Spectral Magician and the Crystal Skywalker Moon of Cooperation

Today, Kin 70:  White Overtone Dog, is the 13th Day of the 12th Moon, which is coded by 13.12: Crystal Skywalker.  

Happy Birthday to my nephew Judson, the youngest person to win the ‘Survivor ‘ TV game, who turns 26 today  🙂  Alpha-numerically, White Overtone Dog = 205.  Kin 205:  Overtone Sun,  is Jud’s Galactic Signature and today’s Challenge Kin.

5 ‘Inter-Dimensional Signals’ appeared during the 11th Spectral Moon of Liberation, and two were comprised of two key numbers of the synchronic code;  4 and 13:

 This formation, was found 13 days ago  on Pacal Votan Clear Sign and Galactic Activation Portal Kin 57:  Overtone Earth.  Kin 57 marked 57 days until GAP Kin 114:  Planetary Wizard, when both the official 13 Moon Calendar and The Cosmic Turtle Calendar begin a new 13 Moon year.  The Mayan kin for that day was Kin 10: Planetary Dog, which codes the current Cosmic Turtle year.  May 30th  was the 18th day of Haab 2. 18.2 is kin 158:  Lunar Mirror.  ‘Cosmic Turtle‘ alpha-numerically = 158  🙂

The 4 partial circles could denote the 4 Weeks in a Moon, and the 4 ‘Mayan-styled’ parts of the inner circle could represent the 4 Watches of each Mayan kin/ day, which correspond perfectly with the daily Sunrise, High Noon, Sunset and Midnight in Ecuador  🙂  The following graphics from

also illustrate that this “Inter-dimensional Signal‘ can also represent the 4 directions and the 4 seasons.  The ‘Hunab Ku‘  graphic further delineates the Mayan and ‘galactic‘ interpretation of this formation.


4 days earlier, this 13-pointed ‘Cosmic’ Star appeared on D:  Magnetic Skywalker,  M:  7 World-Bridger:

 This 13-themed formation imprints the sacred importance of the number 13.  It’s a reminder of the 13 constellations [now that Ophiucus has been re-instated] and of the 13 tones of the Mayan’s sacred Tzolkin.

The numerous Thirteens in this Crop Circle also represent the  13 Moons [of 28 days] of the Calendar Pacal Votan preserved in his Tomb,   which was retrieved and disseminated by Valum Votan::Jose Arguelles. Image result for valum votan Image result for valum votan In honor of Kin 11 Valum Votan‘s  dedication to restoring humanity to the sacred  and harmonic rhythms of the 13 Moon Calendar, the  Totem for the 11th Spectral Moon of the Cosmic Turtle Calendar is the Magician, the 11th Archetype.   Kin 11,  Spectral Monkey is comprised of the 11th Seal of the Magician Archetype and the 11th tone of the Spectral Moon.  Here are some verses from a beautiful poem by Magician Valum Votan,called Solar Magician’s Spell:

“.. I pray that the magic that dissolves the multiple appearances of things into a luminous oneness
might burst like a flame in the deepest most broken recesses of my heart releasing a song of unutterable joy.

and most fervently I pray that the great magicians Merlin entombed in the Hawthorn Tower
Pacal Votan sealed in the Ninth Vault of the Holy Night
with their train of harmonic sorcerers might suddenly return
appearing at first from Earth’s resonant core as vibrating filaments of crystal light
phantom-spread upon civilization’s dark and crumbling wall.

and I pray that from that ghost-light manifestation
beheld by innocence as truth itself
the sorcerer powers might spread like angel flame through warrior hearts
causing all those Lords and Ladies of the Cosmic Court
to awaken again to their power in time to bless this planet
with the awesome splendor of their tender might.”

The Cosmic Turtle Calendar‘s Totem for the 12th Crystal Moon of Cooperation is the Bee.  Synchronistically,  BEE [2+5+5] = 12

 Image result for bees   Image result for sacred bees     The Bee has long been considered Sacred, and in some cultures, it is associated with Royalty.  Without the Bee’s industrious cooperation via pollination, humanity would lose a vital amount of food production.   The honey that bees produce lasts forever, and the honey from Manuka trees [here in New Zealand] is an extremely efficient antibiotic.

During the first 13 days of the Crystal Bee Moon  crop circles have appeared.  On Cosmic Serpent, [June 7th, birthday of my brother and niece]

this crop circle appeared in Adygea, Russia: , This photo was taken by a drone!

On the same day,  this 8-sided stunner [with a total of 19 components] was discovered in Pontecurona, Italy:

According to the Gnostics, the ‘circumpunct‘  in the center of this [and many other crop circles] is a symbol of the most primal aspect of God.  “To Greek philosophers and the Pythagoreans, the circumpunct represents God, or the Monad – the point of the beginning of creation, and eternity.

The following day, this ‘12-petaled flower‘ appeared near Berlin Germany:  While there is speculation about whether the artists who created this were human, instead of extra-terrestrial, it is synchronistic that a 12 pointed image appeared on the 12th day of the 12th Moon [as observed by the vast majority  who follow the official 13 Moon Calendar]

On Electric Star, which fell on the 12th day of the 12th Moon in the Cosmic Turtle Calendar, this mesmerizing SPIRAL  appeared in Wiltshire, England:

  Crop circle at Foxley Road, Sherston, Wiltshire, UK - 9 June - image by Lucy Pringle

The spiral is  one of the oldest symbols of human spirituality… they have profound meaning and depth as symbols of unity and ascension“. 

It’s interesting to note that only 3  of the 9 crop circles reported during the Spectral and Crystal Moon [May and June 2015] are in England.  Until recently, 90% of the world’s formations were in England.  I wonder if the use  of drones [for spotting  and photographing them] will be one factor that might increase the occurrence of crop circles in other countries.

Ecuador  continues to demonstrate why it is the “Heart of the Earth

Ecuador broke a Guinness Reforestation World Record on Saturday [May 16th] by mobilizing more than 44,000 people to plant 647,250 trees across the country-all in one day!.  The Ecuadorean government has actively combated deforestation since Rafael Correa’s presidency began in 2008″.  Volunteers participate in a reforestation campaign in Catequilla, Ecuador on May 16, 2015

This week, Ecuador legislated that  “No Human [is]  Considered Illegal Under New Ecuadorean Migrant Law.  On June 7th, “Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa announced radical plans to support asylum-seekers and stateless people.”

The people of Ecuador are making huge progress in their quest to put people ahead of profits:

Ecuador's Citizens' Revolution

Thanks for your e-mails wondering if I’m in Ecuador yet.  I’m delighted to report that  my  Rhythmic Sun partner of 7+ years and I will arrive in Ecuador, Heart of the Earth two hours before  Galactic Freedom Day::Day-Out-Of-Time  begins.  We’ll enjoy  the first  week of the Planetary Wizard year  in 13:20 paradise  🙂  

 Image result for vilcabamba  rainbows   Image result for vilcabamba  rainbows  Image result for butterflies vilcabamba  Image result for vilcabamba  rainbows Image result for vilcabamba  sunsets

  Image result for orchids vilcabamba  Image result for vilcabamba  rainbows  Image result for butterflies vilcabamba Image result for vilcabamba  rainbows

During this Crystal Skywalker Moon, let’s contemplate these words from the Law of Time:  “Hold the power of Crystal Cooperation: the ability to universalize our mind into a unified thoughtform in order to manifest (crystallize) a new reality”.

N.S.  1. 27. 12. 13.       D: 70:   Overtone Dog;  M: 10 Ak’b’al       6/12/2015

GAP Kin 222: Magnetic Wind begins today’s 18th Wavespell of Spirit, which is a Fractal of this 13 Moon Year’s Annual Wavespell

Galactic Activation Portal Kin 222:  Magnetic Wind begins a 13 day Wavespell that is a fractal of this year’s Annual Wavespell of 13 Moons.  GAP 222:  Magnetic Wind coded the First Moon of this year.  The next Magic Turtle Day is Kin 228:  Galactic Moon, which is the same Kin that codes this  8th Galactic Moon of Integrity and Harmony.   Besides containing a fractal of this 13 Moon Year, this Moon also features the beginning of the Chinese New Year.

The Year of the Goat began 5 days ago, and the world’s largest annual human migration is now well underway as 2.8 billion trips are made across China during the period of their Lunar New Year.    “Although China has used the Gregorian calendar since 1912, Chinese New Year is based on the ancient Chinese Lunar Calendar, and it falls on the second new moon after winter solstice – somewhere between 21 January and 19 February, meaning it changes from year to year.

The Chinese Lunar Calendar is a prime example of a Calendar being aligned with the Solstice and the cycles of the Moon,  so it is heartening to know that One Sixth of the world’s population celebrates this most important Chinese holiday.   The Year of the Goat began on the 60th day since the December 2014 Solstice.

Fireworks explode at the River Hongbao Lunar New Year Celebrations along Marina Bay in Singapore Because the Chinese character “yang” can translate in colloquial Chinese as either sheep or goat, there is a bit of confusion over this year’s Zodiac [Totem].  The Goat/Sheep comes 8th in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Totem for the 8th Galactic Moon [in the Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony] is the Bear, which is associated with the constellation of Ursa Major, and with the country of Russia.  Baby Polar Bears in Moscow Zoo: First Steps With Mom

These adorable Bear Cubs were born at the Moscow Zoo during the ‘Galactic Bear Moon‘  🙂

 Russia is dominating headlines during this Galactic Moon of Integrity, thanks to the masterful leadership of Vladimir Putin. who conducted Peace talks in Minsk, and who, according to the following article made the most important speech of his career last week:  “what he {Putin} actually wants from the US is not conflict but cooperation.

Putin also recently met with the ‘landslide-elected‘ new Prime Minister of Greece, Alex Tsipras, {D: Planetary Monkey} shown here with their new Finance Minister [left]

Greece’s prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, right and finance minister Yianis Varoufakis said they were confident the government’s plan would be approved. Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, like Vladimir Putin, is a consummate game-player.  Varoufakis [D: PVCS Magnetic Sun]  taught Game Theory Mathematics.  He wrote here:

that“The trouble with game theory, as I used to tell my students, is that it takes for granted the players’ motives  . In poker or blackjack this assumption is unproblematic.  But in the current deliberations between our European partners and Greece’s new government, the whole point is to forge new motives. To fashion a fresh mind-set that transcends national divides, dissolves the creditor-debtor distinction in favor of a pan-European perspective, and places the common European good above petty politics, dogma that proves toxic if universalized, and an us-versus-them mind-set.

 The Dreamspell signatures of Greek’s new ‘Dream Team‘ equal 11.11, and “They may renounce not only austerity but their foreign debts and eternal interest payments. The entire financial empire – the so-called global financial system could be shaken . . . Greece could once again become the ‘cradle of democracy‘.{ }  Leaders who are restoring Harmony and Integrity seem to be ‘ascending’ during this 8th Moon  🙂

Here is ‘new ‘ information about the Earth, that is compatible with what Dr. Arguelles::Valum Votan; 11.11 has revealed:     “A research team from the University of Illinois and colleagues in China found earth’s inner core has an inner core of its own, with crystals aligned in a different direction.”

A quote from:  also supports the concept of INTEGRITY:

Aldo Leopold said, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”

Fractal Enlightenment [during this Fractal Wavespell] calls to mind Grayham Forscutt, who lives in Golden Bay, near where 198 whales beached themselves last week.

  Galactic Mirror [this writer] decided to remain in the part of New Zealand depicted in this image for the remainder of the Galactic Moon. This image is from one of Grayham’s excellent sites, which were updated this week.

Two days before the Whales beached themselves at Farewell Spit, New Zealand experienced “A “blinding” flash, intense explosion and sonic booms experienced over much of the country … probably caused by a meteor, experts agree”.

This meteor disintegrated off of our coast just before the Two Year Anniversary of the Chelyabinsk Asteroid, which was the largest object to hit Earth in 100 years…[since the Tugunska Event]  The fragments from the Chelyabinsk Asteroid from Maldek [The Asteroid Belt] are 4.5 billion years old, virtually unchanged ” “Before astronomy was ‘adjusted‘ to become the science of the study of planets, it was concerned with the study of comets and when they would return...”

This week also contained the 4th anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquake [on 2/22, a Gregorian expression of today’s Kin 222] which caused the demolition of 1,040 buildings and made over 7,000 home permanently unlivable.

This article by Augureye Express  :‘Mission Status Field Report #108‘ gives a synopsis of where we are at,  in  the New Cycle of The Fifth Sun:

 “The uplift specialists known as the indigo children and the crystal children are already carrying out their specific parts of the mission, and have gained recognition as the leaders and way showers of the 5th Sun.  They are taking the knowledge of living spiritually and embodying it in the way they live upon the planet; setting an example of a better way for all… “We are doing everything we can conjure, and even though we may not see the path of it now we are confident that the uplift mission will succeed

This is another reminder of how many are working on different fronts to ‘Increase the LIGHT‘  [=56=GALACTIC]  In terms of the 13 Moon Calendar and 13:20 progress, I appreciated recent “Likes”  from two kins who are each working on this in their own way via these sites:

  Xochipilli is also a Galactic Mirror  🙂  Gracias  🙂

I am looking forward to delving deeper into Galactic Wizard‘s site:  This  799th blog, carries the Kin Equivalent of the Sacred 19  🙂

Besides contributing so much here with his many comments, Poet Piet 55 is currently seeking a way to contribute more than his considerable knowledge to aspects of the  13:20 community.  We need more like him! Thanks to Mieke, Reimar 143 and Vernon 221 for your recent comments  🙂

Jay 196 feels like one of the Crystal Children, with his e-mails of  information and thought-provoking questions about the Calendar systems and Galactic Wizard’s 1919 Matrix.  196  is one of the ‘pioneers‘ who consistently aligns the 7 Radial  Plasmas with the 7 day week, and he requests more information about the Cosmic Turtle Calendar.  I’ll write more about that from my new location [arrival during the Solar Moon]  But here are some ‘tidbits‘ about the Gregorian Calendar which was relatively recently imposed upon humanity:

Less than 100 years ago, “Russia makes a new proposal to the world, which is to abolish both the Julian and Gregorian calendars and adopt a new – fangled Russian one. There has lately been much discussion here regarding the necessity of reforming the Julian calendar”.

March 25 is known as  Lady Day, named for the Virgin Mary’s Annunciation. [illustrated in this painting by Leonardo da Vinci:   In England, Lady Day was New Year’s Day until 1752, when 1 January became the start of the year”.  Most of humanity only adopted the Gregorian Calendar in the last century, and billions still resonate with Lunar Calendars.

Regarding NUMBER:  “… of the great philosophers in history such as Archimedes, Copernicus, Socrates and DaVinci all were mathematicians first and foremost.   I submit that everything from biblical prophecy to DNA strands are built and based on quite simple mathematical formulas and patterns”

The 8 and 9 of this of this 8th Galactic Moon coded by Galactic Moon 9.8 is reflected in every line of this intriguing table:

(1 x 8) + 1= 9;    (12 x 8) + 2 = 98;    (123 x 8) + 3 = 987;     (1234 x 8) + 4 = 9876;   (12345 x 8) + 5 = 98765;   (123456 x 8) + 6 = 987654

(1234567 x 8) + 7 = 9876543;   (12345678 x 8) + 8 = 98765432;   (123456789 x 8) + 9 = 987654321

The Hidden Power for today, this 13 day Wavespell and this 13 Moon year is Cosmic Storm:  19.13, whose postulate states:  “All is number.  God is a number.  God is in all.

May you make the most of this Fractal Wavespell of the Annual Wavespell of Spirit, which begins with oday’s Galactic Activation Portal  🙂

1. 27. 8. 17.      D: GAP 222;  M: 6 Men [Eagle]      Feb. 24, 2015

Kin 183: Magnetic Night codes the Night Wavespell and my Penultimate Post from the Night Zone of Oceania

The G-Force of Magnetic Night;  Self-Existing Skywalker, coded a 6.4 earthquake here in the South Island, 10 days ago.  That day, Rhythmic 24, indicated 19.13 in three different ways:  The Mayan Tzolkin kin: 9 World-Bridger, and the Dreamspell Kin equaled 19.13 [6.9 plus 13.4 = 19.13].  The G-Force of 4 Skywalker is Kin 39:  Cosmic Storm, and, it was the 19th day of the 13th Haab. The Postulate for Kin 39 [3 x 13] is:  19.13:  All is number God is a number.  God is in all.” When this Earthquake was later downgraded to a 6.0, it served as a reminder that the 6th  Rhythmic Hand Moon was the only Moon [since 2013 and The Mystery Queen began 70 Moons ago] to have 0 blogs. In the Cosmic Turtle Calendar, the totem for the 6th Moon is the Horse, whose Rhythmic transport has served humanity for millenium.  The significance of the Horse has long been heralded by it’s depiction upon English hillsides. The Uffington White Horse is 3,000 years old, and like the sabbatical-based Cosmic Turtle Calendar, it was renewed every 7 years:  “Until the late 19th century the Uffington White  Horse was scoured every seven years as part of a more general local fair held on the hill.”     And, “Of the thirteen white horses known to have existed in Wiltshire, eight are still visible“.  Most of these locations have attracted crop circles [‘inter-dimensional signals‘ per Valum Votan], further underscoring the significance of the Horse on many levels.   I was studying crop circles long before several appeared 20 miles from my home, in 2003 and 2004, yet I was amazed today to realize that the vast majority of crop circles appear at the sites of horses engraved into the English countryside!  I  look forward to riding horses in Vilcabamba, where they are the primary mode of transportation [along with walking]  🙂 The 6th Rhythmic Moon of Equality always contains the beginning of a new Gregorian year.  New Zealand::Aotearoa, is  the first land to see the light of each new day and each New Year.

The Gregorian New Year’s Day might be the most widely observed holiday in the world.  The Gregorian Calendar dictating the 12:60 program began relatively recently [after the Tomb of Pacal Votan warned Humanity of the artificial frequency of the 12 irregular months] and it has become  deeply entrenched in our psyches and societies. On the 207th day of 2015, the Cosmic Turtle Calendar and the ‘official 13 Moon Calendar’ will both begin a New 13 Moon Year on D: GAP 114: Planetary Wizard,  M: 2 Hand.  July 26, 2015 is on a Sunday, and each Year, Week and Moon of the Cosmic Turtle Calendar begin on Sunday, in perpetuity. For 218 days, the two 13 Moon Calendars will be synchronized with each other, until Leap Day [1/29/2016].  Unlike the Cosmic Turtle Calendar and the Mayan Tzolkin, the official 13 Moon Calendar and the Dreamspell Tzolkin do not count Leap Day.

The Mayan defined a Kin/Day as a 24 hour alternation of Day and Night and the current official 13 Moon system ignores five Day/Kin every four years, in order to remain aligned with the Gregorian Calendar.  The Cosmic Turtle Calendar is aligned with the perpetual 7 day week::28 Day Moon, which reflects the cycles of the Moon and Women, by which Humans tracked time, long before the 13 Moons were chopped into 12 irregular months. Today’s Mayan Kin: 7 Earth signifies the Mayan Lord 7 Earth at the ‘Heart of the Earth‘.

Oceania, in the Human zone of  Earth’s Holon Planet Holon is the first land to see the light, and Ecuador, in the Human zone is the land of equal Night and Day.  Ecuador is consistently  “Attuned” with the 4 quarters of the day:  the Sun always dawns at 6:00, when the Guide watch of each day begins, and the Hidden Power watch always begins as the Sun sets at 18:00.

This 7th  Resonant Moon of Attunement is coded by Kin 228:  Resonant Star.  The 7th Moon includes the “Heart” of the 13 Moon year [Resonant 14:15] which is also the birthday of Valum Votan.  Today is Resonant Six, which alpha-numerically equals 158.  Cosmic Turtle and “Heart of the Earth” also equal 158  🙂  [An e-mail last night from Jay  196 entitled “Cosmic Turtle!” prompted me to finally finish this 798th blog].    798 – 780 = 18:  Mirror::Yogini.  798-441 = 357.  The Vigesimal of 357 is” is the name of my new site.  Adding co [=18] to 158 results in 166.   Kin 166:  Planetary World-Bridger  coded the first day of the Cosmic Turtle Calendar  on 7/28/2013.  The” site  will become active after I arrive in Ecuador, the country which  embodies the ‘Heart of the Earth‘ in several ways.  Ecuador has erected a lovely monument and small cultural community at the Middle of the World‘ [mitaddelmundo]  which marks the Equator, the geographical Heart [center] of our planet. Moving on from the Heart of our Earth to the Heart of our Galaxy:  

13 days ago, it was reported that “On Sept. 14, 2013, Haggard and her team detected an X-ray flare from Sgr A* 400 times brighter than its usual, quiet stateThe super-massive black hole at the center of our galaxy, called Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A*, is estimated to contain about 4.5 million times the mass of our sun.  It’s interesting that the largest ever x-ray flare from the heart of our galaxy occurred on the Long Count date of  🙂 largest X-ray flare Earth is now encountering a celestial event closer to home, as we move through a particularly dense part of the remnants of Maldek a.k.a. The Asteroid Belt, during the 6th. 7th and 8th Moons.  This article [also written 13 days ago] reports an “army of asteroids” heading our way.   It also claims that, like the beautiful and beautifully-named Comet:  LOVEJOY, [named after Australian Terry Lovejoy], they seem to be intelligently directed! Comet Lovejoy Photograph by HowesComet LOVEJOY  on Jan. 8 ” “The whole thing stretches more than 7 million km from end to end.”  On Jan. 7th, Comet Lovejoy was at its closest to Earth: 0.47 astronomical units (70 million km) away. Although the comet will be moving away from us for the rest of the month, it will continue to grow in brightness because it is still moving closer to the sun. The number 7 occurs several times  in these articles, during this 7th Moon  🙂 of people have flocked to a Mexican city where crop circles spanning seven-hectares appeared on Christmas EveMexicans have joked on social media that the 'aliens' responsible could be drunk, as the circles are not well shaped; a local website reported that the crop circles could be an 'alien sign' This unexplained formation appeared overnight in the land of the Mayans, less than 19 kilometers from Teotihuacan and its Temple of the Sun, where Jose Arguelles was anointed as Valum Votan, the “Closer of the Cycle” .Teotihuacan Pyramids As predicted, so much is unfolding on so many levels, in our solar system and planet, since the Mayan cycle ended on December 22, 2012.    This 7th Resonant Moon of Attunement, the 13 Moon equivalent of the 7th mystic channel of the Tzolkin,  is a most appropriate time to step away from technology and become more attuned with Spirit and Nature. The Cosmic Turtle Calendar‘s  totem for the 7th Resonant Moon is the Dolphin,  who strongly resonates with Humans.   Dolphins were represented on ancient coins and in these 3 crop circles. Magically and appropriately, Ecuador, the ‘Heart of the Earth‘, has Pink Dolphins! Several Kin are resonating with the idea of visiting or even moving to Ecuador, where  13:20  Natural Time is more prevalent, and living close to Nature is easier and so tempting.  Perhaps the Resonant Dolphins in the heart of Ecuador’s Rainforest will beckon you also!

N.S.  1. 27. 7. 6.     D 183:  Magnetic Night:: Mayan:  7 Cab’an [Earth]  1/16/2015

The Heart of the Tzolkin, the Heart of the Earth and Love of the Divine

Today and tomorrow,  we are in the HEART of the Mayan  Dreamspell Tzolkin The 260 day Tzolkin [which literally means count of days]  was/is the most sacred of the 19 calendars maintained by the Mayans; Masters of Time and Mathematics.  This 130th day/kin  is coded by Kin 130:  Cosmic Dog; which represents Loyalty and Love of the Divine.

The affirmation for Cosmic Dog states:  I endure in order to LOVE,
Transcending loyalty
I seal the process of HEART
With the cosmic tone of presence

The Cosmic tone is the 13th, and  Thirteen is the key sacred  component in both the Mayan Tzolkin and the 13 Moon Calendar which is composed of 13 Moons of 28 days  {= a 364 day year}

What is universally agreed upon is that there are some extremely important ‘mathematical relations’ utilizing the numbers 20 and 13 which were considered to be of great significance for all Mesoamerican cultures and specifically useful to the Maya for their purposes of divination. When these two numbers are multiplied the result is equal to 260. Thus, this 20 x 13 matrix is the essential core foundation of the Tzolkin and basis for its functionality within Mayan society.”

The White Mirror Wavespell of Endlessness  [the Tenth of Twenty  13 day Wavespells] and the first half of the 260 day Tzolkin;   end at Midnight which will be the precise heart of the sacred Tzolkin.  Then we enter the Eleventh Monkey Wavespell of Magic  🙂

26 {13 x 2} is a fractal of 260, and it’s interesting to note how 26 appears in Cosmic Dog:  Alpha-numerically {A=1;  Z=26} DOG {and it’s anagram GOD} equals 26, and the reverse of 26:  62 equals COSMIC.  The Complex Gematrical Frequency [the more complicated alpha-numeric system revealed by Valum Votan} computes Cosmic [=215]Dog [71] as 286.  When we subtract 260 from 286, the result is 26  🙂  Perhaps this is one of the reasons that Kin 26 {Cosmic World-Bridger} is one of the 13 Clear Signs found on the Tomb of Pacal Votan.  As decoded by Valum Votan/Jose Arguelles, the heavily inscribed  Tomb delivers the vital information about the 13 Moon Calendar of 28 days each.  [13 x 28  = the harmonic 364 day year].

The Babylonian priests sought to remove the sacred  number 13, which is the common factor in  the  cycles of the Moon, the Feminine, and the planets of our solar system.  They replaced the 13 Moons with the 12 irregular months of the Gregorian Calendar [named for Pope Gregory] and they removed  the 13th  constellation/astrological sign of Ophiuchus.

Jose {a.k.a. Valum Votan}and Lloydine Arguelles  re-introduced the 13 Moon Calendar in 1993.  The following year, the Tomb of the Red Queen {who was considered the Spiritual equal and partner of the  Great Pacal Votan} was discovered adjacent to Pacal Votan’s Tomb in Palenque, Mexico.  In 2010,  the 13th constellation was  re-instated as the 13th Astrological sign known as Ophiucus, the Snake-Tamer.  “Ophiuchus /ɒfiˈjuːkəs/ is a large constellation located around the celestial equator.”

Rho Ophiuchi.jpg 

The Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex, and Johannes Kepler‘s drawing depicting the location of the stella nova in the foot of Ophiuchus.

 Ophiucus, the Snake-Tamer

To acknowledge a 13th sign now might seem awkward for astrologers, who like the tidiness of 12 signs that rule over the 12 houses of the Zodiac. The heavens are alive and they do change after a few thousand years and the astrologer who wants to maintain accuracy must change along with the signs in the heavens.
Those words also apply to our re-alignment with the 13 Moon Calendar, which reflects the 13 Full Moons in the heavens.  In The Cosmic Turtle Calendar {whose  Weeks, Moons and Years always begin on Sunday} today is the 9th day of the Fifth Overtone Moon.
The Sun spends only 19 days in the 13th constellation, and Ophiuchus spends most of its time in the 5th Overtone Moon of Radiance  This 5th Moon is coded by Kin 226:  Overtone World-Bridger, and it’s Totem is the Peacock.  The Fifth Moon and the 13th Cosmic Moon, whose Totem is the Cosmic Turtle, are the only two Moons to have the same  Totem as the ‘official 13 Moon Calendar’ {which is aligned with the Gregorian Calendar rather than the 7 day week}
The Peacock RADIATES beauty when it displays it’s  brilliantly colored  plumage:
   Alpha-numerically.  Peacock = 54, and 54 is also the numeric value of the letters in ‘LOVE” and “MAYAN”  Synchronistically, LOVE when calculated via Valum Votan’s more complicated alpha-numeric system equals 495.  The BMU [495-441] of Love again equals 54  🙂
During the Fifth Overtone Peacock Moon, we ask ourselves:  “How Can I Best Empower Myself?”  We need to do so for the sake of our planet and her inhabitants.
Some current examples of empowerment include the following:

US Flag and Constitution of the United States of AmericaThe sacred rights of mankind …  are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” ~ Alexander Hamilton

Yesterday, {Self-Existing 17} by a significant margin, {Mendocino}  became the first county in California, and only the second county in the country to pass into law a very powerful local ordinance that declares local self-governing rights in their communities over state and federal jurisdiction.

Russia, whom Edgar Casey  predicted would be “The Hope of the World” continues to fortify and empower herself.  “Russia, , has amassed one of the largest gold reserves in the world to counter these economic warfare moves against the Federation… “Former US Federal Reserve ChairmanAlan Greenspan last week stunningly admitted, “Gold is currency, no fiat currency, including the US Dollar, can match it.”   “Russia [is] “fully prepared” to accomplish its end-game,  with its gold reserves and combined energy-mineral wealth (which is the greatest in the world valued at over $75 trillion),

MMM sfPeople around the world are increasingly Empowering themselves by making their voices heard in peaceful demonstrations, and through their successful lawsuits against Monsanto.  Perhaps the thought of fewer pesticides is what caused the Earth to manifest many rainbow smiles during the 3rd week of the 4th Moon   🙂  Thanks to rotoso 55 for this: 

Here is an empowering and uplifting article, which is in resonance with the Mayan concept of humans being ‘cosmic vibratory roots‘ meant to transduce the 7 radial plasmas [building blocks of life]:

If we’re an organic, cosmically influenced body of crystaline receivers and broadcasters in an alive and amazing all-knowing Universe, perhaps we’re exactly where we’re each supposed to be.  In fact, we’re probably carefully distributed to create a world-wide grid of truth!

Are we all truly strategically positioned for the best possible effect on the cosmos and the awakening?

We’re each generators, nodes, transmitters, relays, conduits and vessels of light, truth and love. The ultimate power of positive transformation. And we may be just where we’re supposed to be, lonely or not.   So take heart!

This  797th blog is transmitted in the 5th year and 5th Moon since 2013 and The Mystery Queen began 70 Moons ago.  The Kin Equivalent of 797  [797 – 260 x 3] is 17:  Earth.  HEART and it’s anagram: EARTH both equal 52 [2 x 26]  During this 5th Overtone Moon, I am preparing to empower myself through a move from the beautiful  Heart of New Zealand [Nelson is the exact geographical center of the two islands of New Zealand] to the place I consider to be the HEART of the EARTH.

 Just as Ophiucus lies along our galaxy’s equator, Ecuador is named for its position on the Earth’s equator  🙂  It’s rainforest is part of the lungs of the Earth, and it’s people  happily, co-exist with an incredible diversity of plant and animal life.  While geographically positioned on the center [Heart] of the Earth, it’s welcoming, courageous  people and President exhibit the Heart of the Earth in a compelling way.  Ecuador first came to my more focused attention when they granted  Julian Assange a safe haven.   Two weeks ago, their President Raphael Correa  stated:  ““I believe in the power of love, not the love of power,”  during a speech in the southern city of Cuenca“.   This  Harvard-educated economist has made strides in elevating the poorest Ecuadorians, improving the infrastructure and so much more.  A recent poll [based on public smiles] determined that Ecuadorians are the happiest people on Earth!

The Totem creatures for every Moon of The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony  reside in this Paradise nation.  I will live in a beautiful ‘Sacred Valley‘ which attracts people from around the world who live in  harmony with the Earth and with each other, resonating with the 13:20 lifestyle. A plethora of stars light up the night sky.   

The ideal conditions for spiritual growth and optimal health, longevity and happiness are Empowering.  During the  Rhythmic Moon of Equality and Balance I will move to where Day and Night are always equally balanced  🙂

Thank you for your e-mails, comments and ‘Likes‘.  May each of us make empowering choices during our remaining time in the 7th central column of the Dreamspell Tzolkin, and the Fifth Overtone Moon of Radiance, while under the canopy of the 13th constellation of Ophiucus  🙂

N. S.  1. 27. 5. 9.        D:   Cosmic Dog :: Mayan: 5 Night {M.T.}  Seli 9   

Magic Turtle and GAP Kin: GM108 X: Self-Existing Star codes the 15th day of the Self-Existing Moon and begins the 15th Week of the Cosmic Turtle Year

This Magic Turtle Day is coded by the Galactic Activation Portal that denotes the Galactic Mayan Mind Transmission known as GM108X.

This video by Milchevic  includes the passage in ‘Cosmic History Chronicles II‘  [and mentions  Valum Votan’s ‘The Arcturus Probe‘ and ‘Earth Ascending‘] that describes the origin and meaning of GM108X.  The terma of the GM108X transmission is meant to direct Humanity towards the greater Galactic realm, via the Synchronic Codes, and it is mathematical in nature.

During the First Analog Watch [11.4] of  GAP 108:  Self-Existing Star,  I realized that Galactic Portal alpha-numerically equals 138:  Galactic Mirror, and that the Complex Gematrical Frequency [taught by V.V.] of  Galactic  Mayan Mind Transmission is 1958.  It’s Base Matrix Unit {1958-1764 [ 4×441]}  is  194, whose Kin coded the discovery of the Tomb of the Red Queen in 1994.  The Kin Equivalent of 1958 [1958 – 1820 {7 x 260] is also  138  🙂  13 x 8 = 108.  Buddhist prayer beads, known as a ‘mala‘ contain 108 beads.  

3 x 108 = 324, an anagram for our Earth 24.3,  which is the 3rd Planet out from our Sun, designated by the Galactic Mayans  as Star 24 in the Velatropa sector of our Galaxy.  Our Sun  has been very active during  the 4thSelf-Existing Cat Moon of Form.

There was a mysterious,  “228 million kilometer (142 million mile) “plasma/electrical discharge” between the Sun and Mars  on 19 October“.

 Sunday Oct. 19th was coded by Kin 94:  Electric Wizard.  Coincidentally, that was the first day {Dali One] of the 4th Self-Existing Moon of Form, and the first day The Cosmic Turtle Calendar took ‘Form‘ online, showing each Plasma aligned with its corresponding Day.  {The  Third Blue Week of the 4th Self-Existing Serpent   Moon is coded by challenge kin Self-Existing Eagle.  It is available to view at}

“Giant sunspot AR2192 has produced 27 C-class solar flares, 8 M-class flares, and 2 X-flares, and shows no signs of weakening.”  [As of the date of that article on Oct. 23rd]  The following day, the largest flare in 24 years occured:   “The biggest sunspot on the face of the sun in more than two decades unleashed a major flare on Friday (Oct. 24), the fourth intense solar storm from the active star in less than a week“.  24 hours later, “the huge sunspot fired a powerful X-class flare right at Earth. And we sure did feel its impact.  NEWS: Flare Alert: Monster Sunspot Turns Toward Earth

Our attention was again directed beyond towards space on 10/28/14 when the Antares rocket, which was to deliver equipment and supplies including 1,360 pounds of food to  the International Space Station, exploded after takeoff.  Surprisingly, Antares was utilizing engines that were made in the late 1960 and early 1970s.  Here are the 5 men and one woman of Expedition 41, currently  on the

Expedition 41 crew International Space Station.  Commander Max Suarev {3rd from left} [D:  Galactic Warrior; M: 3 Storm] is a Colonel in the Russian Air Force.

The failed Antares launch and the subsequent tragic loss of the Virgin Galactic Spacecraft and one of it’s pilots generated much attention and speculation.  Russia successfully launched a rocket to the ISS shortly after the Antares exploded.  Interesting to note  that “a mysterious “artifact” rushed to the International Space Station (ISS){was}  deemed so critical that identical copies of it were poised to launch from both the US and Russia space agencies this week.

Arguably the most prominent person on the Earth’s stage is a Russian. Last week,  President Vladimir Putin delivered what is being acclaimed as the best speech in 45 years!  English transcript is here:   His training as a lawyer shined through.  One analyst wrote:   “This is a vision of Russia as the sheet anchor of the international system, acting together with its allies China and the other BRICS states to restrain the US where possible, rescuing the US from its follies whilst upholding international law, world order and stability”.

 1.jpg 194795714.jpg   The Human Wavespell  ended with  a victory for the people of Brazil, when their female President, Dilma Rousseff  was re-elected.  She intends to strengthen Brazil’s ties with other BRICS nations, which will further increase the balance of power on Earth.  She once stated:  “My mission is to eradicate poverty“.

Mission happens to be the name of the kayak I use for enjoying Nelson’s beautiful bay.   While out on the ocean last Sunday, I realized that ‘mission‘ alpha-numerically equals 98:  Resonant Mirror.{which coded the last blog, and my next birthday}  The CGF [Complex Gematrical Frequency] is 368.  18.8 is its vigesimal, and the Kin Equivalent is 108:  Self-Existing Star, today’s Magic Turtle Day.    Just now noticed that the current promotion at Poker Stars is called “Mission Week”  🙂  During the Self-Existing Cat Moon, our ‘Mission‘ is to determine the Form our Service will take“.

  The 9th  Magnetic Serpent  Wavespell of  began on the 13th day of the Self-Existing Moon which is coded by the  Serpent.  Today’s Mayan Kin:  9 Dragon combines with 4 Star to mirror that 9 and 13 {8.4 + 1.9 = 9.13} and the 9 Lords of Time, and the 13 feminine Oxlahuntiki.  The 9th Wavespell also marks our entry into the Blue Western Castle of  Transformation.

This Wavespell is coded by Kin 105, which always remind me of Pacal Votan;  Pacal Votan = 105 via the Simple Gematrical Frequency, while the Complex G.F. of Pacal also equals 105.

New Zealand also equals 105, and this week  marks 10 years since my arrival in New Zealand to pursue my perceived  galactic mission‘.   After great expenditure of time, money and energy, the remaining  6 Galactic Activation Portals provide {a ‘Mission Week‘},  an opportunity for this Galactic Mirror to  determine  the Formof my future Service‘.

May we all find our unique way to make our Earth a happier, healthier and more harmonic world for all   🙂


             19.13:    “All is number.     God is a number.  God is in all

N. S. 1. 27. 4. 15.    GAP GM108X;  M: 9 Dragon      Nov. 2, 2014

Resonant Mirror codes the 7th Day of the 7th Wavespell and the 5th day of the 4th Moon which is coded by 5.4

The 4th Self-Existing Serpent Moon and the 11th Haab:  Sak’ began 5 days ago on Sunday, Oct. 19th.  Today, Self-Existing Alpha 5:  Release,  is coded by Mayan Kin  12 Monkey, and Crystal Monkey is the PSI for today.  The Monkey energy seems to be ‘in play‘ today, because the nearly finished blog just now disappeared {was released into the void?}.  😦  {I should have opened another page to be safe, but} I was excitedly writing about the new Family that was Formed on the 4th day of the 4th Moon of Form  🙂

This morning, I received word from my Nephew Jud  [winner of Survivor Nicaragua] that his Sister Kelsey gave Birth to a son during the Rhythmic Earth watch of Rhythmic Earth  🙂  The 8.1 pound newborn  has already appeared on his Father’s news program, [  Preview attachment IMG_5383.MOV  ]  and is shown here in the arms of his Grandmother {my Sister Ann, PVCS 1 SunView photo in message

 Jud 5 Suns daughter was born on 8.1.2012, which was the 5 year anniversary of the Cube Crop Circle that commemorated  8 Sun Pacal Votan’s 27th Solar-Galactic Return.

New Mother Kelsey and my Brother John  are both in their Crystal Sun year and with all of  the Sun Signatures mentioned here, it’s a good time to reintroduce a wonderful way to interact with the Sun, called Sun-Gazing or ‘Eating the Sun‘.  This spiritual practice begins by gazing at the Sun at Dawn [when the UV rays are lowest or non-existing] for 10 seconds, increasing it by 10 seconds each day.   “Many proponents of this ancient technique, used by many cultures such as Mayan, Egyptian, Aztec, Tibetian and Indian yoga, report not only healing benefits to common illnesses, but obtaining super-human abilities such as advanced telepathy and going completely without the need for food.

The stance shown above is also a wonderful way to receive and transduce the 7 Radial Plasmas through the appropriate Chakras.  The Cosmic Turtle Calendar  [which is still evolving and will display one week at a time] shows the Plasma seal, which is envisioned [or preferably, a printed symbol is placed upon] on the appropriate Chakra, while saying it’s Affirmation.

The Second Week of this Self-Existing Cat Moon and the Second Quarter of this  Cosmic Turtle Year begins in 3 days.  The Guide for  Week Two  is Kin 121: Self-Existing Dragon, which codes the Birth of the Law of Time.  The second quarter of the Planetary Dog Year is coded by its Guide: 218:  Planetary Mirror.  Planetary Mirror coded the day that the Tomb of Pacal Votan was opened, ‘Releasing‘ the terma of the 13 Moon Calendar.

Whether you follow the 13 Moon Calendar that is correlated to the Gregorian year, or The Cosmic Turtle Calendar which is aligned with the perpetual 7 Day Week, you are still more in tune with Nature and the cycles of the Moon and Cosmos.  The much longer draft of this blog contained several responses on this topic that were raised in recent comments.  It’s ‘release’ [disappearance] means that all but one of those issues will be discussed in a later transmission.

Resonant Moon suggested that the many synchronicities were the result of writing this blog.  While writing nearly 800 blogs does give lots of practice utilizing the various numerical languages Valum Votan  shared, most of the synchronicities  reveal by the numerical codes are a function of the alignment of the 13 Moons of The Cosmic Turtle Calendar with the 7 Day Week beginning on Sunday.

When Baby Theo was born on the 4th day of the 4th Moon, it was  Resonant Mirror here in New Zealand.  The 7th day of the 7th Wavespell next occurs  on the 13th day of the 13th Cosmic Turtle Moon.  That most Cosmic‘ day of the Planetary Dog  {a-n = 138Year  will be the Birthday of kin 138, a.k.a. ‘The 2013 Mystery Queen‘. 260 [=20.13] days from today  🙂

The last lines of Theo’s Postulate states:  17.6:  “…….The only purpose of the Galactic Federation is to increase awareness of God and the Divine order, which can only be effected through subliminal feedback to input from lower orders of time.

N. S.  1. 27. 4. 5.           Resonant Mirror;  11 Chuen       Haab  11; Day 4

1300 Days [5 Dreamspell Tzolkins] Since the Death of Valum Votan a.k.a. Jose Arguelles

Kin 89 Spectral Moon [9.11] coded the death of Valum Votan at 6:10 a.m. on March 23, 2011.  In the Cosmic Turtle Calendar, that day was Solar Kali Eighteen, a Wednesday.  Today, Electric Gamma Twenty Four, is coded by Dreamspell Kin 89, and by Mayan Kin 3 Wind [a Mayan  Magic Turtle Day]

This Electric Seed Moon,  Kali Eighteen was catalytic‘ in a different way:10-8-14 Lunar eclipse main

The second of the Tetra of 4 Blood Moon Eclipses was on Electric 18.  TMQ was able to spend the last hour of Blue Overtone Night observing the entire Lunar Eclipse of the Full Moon.  It did exude a glowing golden red during its total occultation at Midnight.  Here in New Zealand, the Full Moon peaked 12 hours earlier, at the exact middle of the 3rd Week of the 3rd Moon  🙂

The next Dreamspell Tzolkin begins on the next Blood Moon Eclipse [4/4/2015]  and the new Haab year [of 18 moons of 20 day plus a 5 day Huyab] begins the day before.  This period of time in the middle of the Tetrad of 4 Full Moon Lunar Eclipses is a critical one for humanity and Earth.  It’s a powerful time to focus on Peace and our Planet.  These images serve to show us what is vitally needed.


Kin 225: Self-Existing Serpent will code the Self-Existing Moon of Form, when we ask “What form is my Service to take?”  The Totem for the 4th Moon in the Cosmic Turtle Calendar is the Self-Existing CAT.  The Egyptians held the cats in highest esteem, maybe in part because “When a cat purrs within a range of 20-140 Hertz, nearby humans may be therapeutically benefiting from these vibrations. Purring has been linked to lowering stress, decreasing symptoms of Dyspnoea, lessening the chances of having a heart attack, and even strengthening bones“.


An Abyssinian cat [like the one in the Egyptian sculpture above] is sitting on my lap as I write this  🙂  Her name is OMA, for the Original Matrix Attained, and she has met Valum Votan, the originator of that term, several times.

Even domesticated cats can be ‘self-existing‘ when required.  When our neighbors’ house burned down, they left their cat to fend for itself in this ‘country-like’ suburban neighborhood.  She survived for over a year outdoors on her own, subsisting on birds, smaller creatures and fish from the creek [and petting and some food from me]. Her ‘owners’ finally moved into their newly built home this week.

The largest sculpture on Earth has a feline body:  The Sphinx in Egypt appears to guard the Pyramid of Ra [Cheops] .


In Cosmic History Chronicles II, Valum Votan discusses the  terma of the six basic types of Cosmic Electricity hidden in Chamber 13 of the Great Pyramid of Ra.  On page 161 this synchronistic passage appears “In dum kuali, the central parton is Cat“.

On this 24th day of  Moon 3, it’s interesting to observe that ‘CAT’ alpha-numerically = 24  🙂  The Galactic Mayans designated our Sun as Velatropa 24, and Earth [the 3rd Planet out] as 24.3.

Page 161 also contains a gem: ‘The Secret Chambers of Ra and the Tomb of Pacal Votan‘   :Of the 33 chambers in the pyramid of Ra, three contain information about Cosmic Science.”:  The 13th, the 5th and the 11th….”Complementing the Pyramid of Ra [Cheops] in Egypt, we have the two principle pyramids in Mexico, Pyramid of the Sun [Teotihuacan], and the Pyramid of Inscriptions  [Palenque], each with its secret chambers.”…’These are the three pyramids on the Planet where the most profound and supreme initiatic knowledge is vibrating and resonating.”

Pacal Votan’s Tomb is the sole secret chamber of the Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque“.  1300 days after his death, we honor the man whose one of many accomplishments was to decode the priceless terma of The Tomb of Pacal Votan:  Valum Votan::Jose Arguelles.


Sphinx alpha -numerically equals 89: today’s kin 89:  Spectral Moon which  coded the Death of Valum Votan:  11.11.                                                                                                                                          11 Moon’s kin 89 is a prime key, and it is  the 11th number in the Fibonacci sequence.

Thank you for all of your wonderful comments during this Electric Moon.  Noosphericusaustralia noted “A profound wavespell.of cimi and the synchronicity as always is mathematically perfect”  The 13th day of the 6th Wavespell, coded by seal 6 occurred on the 13th day of the 3rd Moon.  13 Mirror was  my 793rd transmission here.  793 – 780 [3 x 260] = 13  🙂  It contained 1858 words, a reflection of Kin 78:  Cosmic Mirror; 18.13 [18 and {5+8 = 13} ].

S’ace 9 Wind shared more about his own observations of the 28 day Moon [3 x 9 +1]. Rotoso 3 Eagle had lots to say during the Moon coded by his tone, including a video showing the 28 days of the Moon reflected in a 28 layered temple decoration, and referring to the ‘churning’ of the Milky Way and the Turtle in ancient legends.  55’s copious comments maintain our focus on the 13:20Back to Nature‘ ‘Self-ExistingParadise  🙂 .  Melovia 12 Moon appreciated the 13 Moon Calendar discussion between 7 Moon and 8 Mirror; the ball is in Jannis 7 Moon‘s court.

Jay 1 Warrior [whose name shares the same C.G.F. as Votan;  both = 711] activated a response with his questions about the Cosmic Turtle Calendar.  As a result, The Cosmic Turtle Calendar is taking ‘Form‘  in time for the 4th Self-Existing Cat Moon of Form.  A single page will contain both the Dreamspell and Mayan Tzolkins, the PSI Chrono Kin, and the minimum information for the practitioners of the  Telektonon and 7:7::7:7.

I hope that as a result, there will be more people barefoot on the grass or ground, taking in the Radial Plasma Dali on Sunday through the vitris in their hands, transducing it through their Crown Chakra and sending it into our Earth through the vitris in their feet.  The corresponding Day::Radial Plasma [plus it’s action], and Chakra are shown in the first row of the Calendar.  Let’s use the Cosmic Turtle Calendar to synchronize each of the 7 Radial Plasmas from Hunab Ku with the consistently appropriate one of the 7 Chakras and 7  Days.

The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony will be published before Sunday Self-Existing One at

N. S. 1. 27. 3. 24.      D: 89:  9.11;  M:  3 Wind           10/14/14

Harmonizing the Dreamspell and Mayan Tzolkins with The Cosmic Turtle Calendar: Thirteen Moons of Harmony

Several synchronicities  indicate that today,  Cosmic Mirror,  is an auspicious day to discuss the Two Tzolkin Counts and the Cosmic Turtle Calendar. Today’s latest comment  from the prolific Electric Eagle: Rotoso included a link to a short video called  “Kurma Avatar:  “The Turtle Incarnation“.  The video is 1:58 in length.  Cosmic Turtle [62 +96] equals 158.  Synchronistically, Cosmic Turtle also equals 158 in this calculation.  The Complex Gematrical Frequency is Cosmic {214} Turtle {825} for a total of 1040 [Kin Equivalent 20.13  :)]  The Base Matrix Unit [1040 minus 882 [2 x 441] is 158!

Kin 158:  Lunar MirrorReflects‘ the ‘Challenge‘ of the Turtle Moon Calendar:  Aligning the Lunar Calendar to the 7 day week, rather than to the Gregorian Calendar, and assigning a Kin to each and every day [Mayan definition of Kin is one 24 hour  unit].  The Dreamspell Tzolkin skips ‘Leap Day‘ and the current ‘official 13 Moon Calendar‘ skips the 365th day of the year and Leap Day.

The most Sacred of the 20 calendars [measurements of synchronicity] maintained by the ancient Mayans was the 260 day Tzolkin.  According to one Mayanologist:

The Traditional Mayan calendar system is valid for the whole universe and goes back to the so-called Big Bang o when the universe was born and no solar systems with their particular cycles even existed. This is according to modern physicists and the Mayan calendar alike. Since the Traditional Mayan calendar is not limited to our own planet or solar system it is not subordinated to its particular astronomical cycles, such as the solar year. It reflects a cosmic process of creation, where our own particular solar system is just a small part.”

Traditional Mayan calendar system would be equally valid on Mars or Venus or any other planet in the cosmos as it is on earth, despite the fact that the periods of revolution of these planets would be very different from ours. In this, it differs from all other calendars in the world that are geocentric and based on the parameters of our own particular planet.

The current indigenous Mayans have kept that count of days to this time. Today is coded by Mayan Kin:  5 Monkey.

Jannis 189 directed our attention to .   Valum Votan wrote that article “The Wizard’s Count and the Triumph of the Synchronic Order”  13 years ago on October 2, 2001, “Limi Thirteen of the Electric Dog Moon” [coded by my G-Force; Kin 12:  Crystal Human.’]  Today [in The Cosmic Turtle Calendar] is Limi Thirteen of the Electric Jellyfish Moon .  [ The change of totems reduces confusion, since  Dog is already the name of the 10th  Kin]

In this article, Valum Votan explains why  he chose to eliminate the Leap Day in the Wizard’s [Dreamspel]l Count.

“After a long break in the tradition of the Chilam Balam, the count was prophetically reformulated to prepare for the Harmonic Convergence and the subsequent revelation of the Telektonon of Pacal Votan.  This count was reformulated precisely so that July 26, 1987, would be White Galactic Wizard, July 26, 1993 would be Yellow Magnetic Seed, and July 26, 2013 would be Yellow Galactic Seed.”  The full and true Harmonic Convergence will not be complete until the Earth itself becomes the Galactic Seed, 2013 Seed.”

Pacal Votan left vital information for humanity’s return to the Calendar of 13 Moons in his elaborate Temple of Inscriptions, which was built to his specifications.  It took 9 years to build his 9-leveled Temple and the elaborate Tomb, [shown with it’s 13 Clear Signs, whose sum of 13 tones = 78, today’s Kin] which was discovered precisely 1260 years later, when Valum Votan was 13 years old.


Valum Votan decoded the information in Pacal’s Tomb, and left for us a treasure trove of information.  Valum Votan::Jose Arguelles and his wife spent years spreading the message of the 13 Moons.  He  developed the Dreamspell Tzolkin which also codes the Moons and Years.  He revealed the Terma of the 7:7::7:7 which links each day of the week to a specific one of the 7 Radial Plasmas [which he referred to as ‘the building blocks of life’.   The Terma of Pacal and Valum Votan  continues to reveal  itself through the Telepathic language of Numbers.

The numbers, my conversations and experiences with Valum Votan, Crop Circles and analytical logic has guided me to always follow the 13 Moons as Valum Votan wrote and said so many times:  “Each Week, Moon and Year begins on Sunday::DALI.

In this blog:, I explained the new Formulation‘ via  The Harmonic Convergence Week-out-of-Time [with Galactic Seed 2013 on Friday:   LIMI:  PURIFICATION]:

The current Week-out-of-Time which began on the day of the Earthquake here, Sunday July 21, ensures the continuity of the Sunday::Dali correlation.   In the official 13 Moon Calendar, Galactic Freedom Day does not correlate to a Plasma.   TMQ doesn’t believe that  the flow of Radial Plasmas from Hunab Ku skips a day on a particular  Gregorian date on Planet Earth!

I believe that Votan’s ‘Reformulationthrough the Wizard’s Count  was as he stated:  To allow the momentuous 26 year Harmonic Convergence to begin on Galactic Wizard and to end on Galactic Seed 2013.  This was accomplished.  The Harmonic Convergence Week-out-of-Time  marked  that special period of time between the year of Quetzalcoatl’s Return [1987] and the end of the 26 Year Harmonic Convergence in 2013.

Then, [I believe] it was time to separate the Wizard’s Count from the Dreamspell, and begin aligning the Dreamspell and Mayan Tzolkins, with both counting each day.  I developed a Calendar which allows the DALI::Sunday alignment in perpetuity, through a mechanism used in the early New Zealand Sabbatical Calendars.

3 days after ‘the Earth itself becomes the Galactic Seed, 2013″ the Cosmic Turtle Calendar began on Sunday::DALI, on the Gregorian date that encapsulates the 7 Day Week, the 28 Day Moon” and the 13 Moon Calendar:   7/28/13   [July 28, 2013]  The Cosmic Turtle Calendar  was ‘Birthed‘ on Dreamspell Kin 66:  Planetary World-Bridger:  6.10, which numerically denotes the moment of Valum Votan’s Birth and Death at 6:10 a.m.  Metaphorically, at 6:10, Valum Votan ‘Bridged in and out of this World‘.

In the Mayan Count,  Kin 119: 2 Storm coded the beginning of The Cosmic Turtle Calendar.  119 is a Mirror of 9-11.  On 9/11/2004, the mysterious message appeared on my computer at 19:13 [7:13 p.m.]  See the Synchronic Readout at the end of ‘The Wizards’s Count…’ and you will understand why only about 10 lines of that message made sense to me at that time.  The first intelligible line said  “As of this moment in time, you are awakening to the Prophecy of the Red Queen.  The last intelligible sentence referred to me as “The Cosmic Turtle Moon Goddess‘.  [I was born in the middle of the Cosmic Turtle Moon]

In an effort to understand this life-changing message, I searched Yahoo the next morning for the crop circle that I had visited after it appeared 20 miles from my home in Benicia.  That is when I learned of a more recent formation that was also 20 miles from my home, in the fields of Solano County.  It is described in depth here [along with a photo of me with Votan and some of the Law of Time crew]: : Crop circle The Two Towers were connected to the 11-circled body [like the one shown on ‘Time and the Technosphere‘ were connected by 28 circles, denoting the 28 Day Moon as the path between the 9/11/2001 ‘Puncture in the Technosphere‘ and the Noosphere.  The 39 circles [3 x 13] reflect the date of Votan’s Report about the Wizard’s Count and  today’s transmission on 3.13, Electric Thirteen  🙂  Kin 39:  19.13 reflects the time of the 9-11 message.  Postulate 19.13:  “All is number.  God is a number.  God is in all.”  Crop circle

Perhaps this helps explain my dedication to the 13 Moon Calendar.  3 days after the message, I drove to Ashland to visit the Law of Time and see what the message and crop circle meant. I bought all of Valum Votan’s book and the Crystal Storm 13 Moon Calendar.

However, I followed the 13 Moons one day earlier than the calendar, so that each Week and Moon began on Sunday, as I found stated so many times by Valum Votan.  This meant that I did the Day-out-of-Time meditations suggested by Votan [who along with Stephanie had also moved to New Zealand] 3 days early on Saturday, July 22 N.Z.T.  I visualized [and drew]  the Roerich Peace symbol, and asked for a sign that extra-terrestrial life had received it [as V.V. had proscribed].  The following morning, the Roerich  image appeared at Windmill Hill in England!  [my surname means Windmill in French]  The Law of Time posted an article “The Day-out-of-Time Crop Circle appears 3 days Early” [Shown above]

Now that the 26 Years of Harmonic Convergence is over, we can all be synchronized with Hunab Ku, generator of the 7 Radial Plasmas and  ‘The Star People/Galactic Intelligence‘ who left that Roerich Peace sign [with a total of 13 circles]  By following the Cosmic Turtle [who has carried the  13 shells on it’s back for millions of years]  we will be synchronized with Creation instead of with the irregular Gregorian Calendar.

Valum Votan gave the 7:7::7:7  Revelation kit to 300 workshop participants at the Easter 2005 workshop in Ashland.  If we were meant to transduce [as Cosmic Vibratory Roots] the Dali Plasma on a different day each year, wouldn’t he have said so then?  To my knowledge [including many conversations with him]  he never once contradicted  what he wrote so many times:  Every Week, Moon and Year begins on Sunday::DALI”

The more advanced practices [such as the Synchronotron and the 7:7::7:7] depend upon the correct 13 Moon Day::Plasma alignment.  A few of us scattered around the planet are enough to make a difference.  For that rarefied group, The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  13 Moons of Harmony provides that correct alignment.

 Electric LIMI 13:  PURIFY, coded by 78:  Cosmic Mirror.

Cosmic Mirror alpha-numerically equals 153.  Cosmic Mirror synchronistically equals 153 in another way:  It’s C.G.F. [Complex Gematrical Frequency taught by Valum Votan]   is [215 + 379] is 594.  We reach it’s Base Matrix Unit by subtracting 441:  153  🙂  In several years of following the numerical systems introduced by Valum Votan, only 4 times have I found a phrase or word in which it’s Simple Gematrical Frequency [A=1, Z=26] equals the B.M.U. of it’s Complex Gematrical Frequency [A=1, Z= 800]  3 of those pertain to the Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  Cosmic Turtle {159}, Hummingbird {118} [the new totem for the Magnetic Moon] and Cosmic Mirror {153}.

The  totem for the Lunar Moon, Butterfly, appeared in the news twice this week:  “Also beautiful—and strange—is that the shape of the swarm itself resembles a giant butterfly.

Butterflies made an unusual appearance  after George Clooney  married Amal Alamuddin  at 8:18 p.m.  She is a Galactic Warrior, and is a barrister, specialising in international law, human rights, and extradition. She is  Julian Assange’s lawyer, and wore a dress of butterflies in their first appearance.  Together, this power couple with political aspirations are 39:  Cosmic Storm  🙂  Wedding rings on the hands of George Clooney and his wife Amal Alamuddin.

Votan  mentioned how the Wizard’s Count began 33 days earlier.   33:  13.7[ signifying the 13 Moon Calendar and the 7 Day Week] appeared in some unique ways today.

During the Cosmic Star watch, my octagenarian neighbor, Muriel,  and I attended a book-signing by Annabel Langbein.  The CGF of Annabel Langbein [139 + 154] = 393, with a kin Equivalent 393-260] of 33.  The CGF of Muriel is 474.  The B.M.U. [474-441] also equals 33!

During the Cosmic Wind watch, I received an e-mail from my friend Kim.  Her name alpha-numerically = 33, and Kim’s Galactic Signature also is Kin 33:  Resonant Skywalker.  Her e-mail was titled Amazing Pictures.  Imagine my delight when I saw the 8th of the 49 photos:

8. A Turtle Riding a Jellyfish

8. A Turtle Riding a Jellyfish...

May the Electric Jellyfish Moon ‘Serve toActivateand Support The Cosmic Turtle Calendar:  Thirteen Moons of Harmony  🙂

Kin 79:  Magnetic Storm ends the 10th week of the 10.10 year on Electric Silio 14, and begins the 7th Wavespell:  Self-Generation

N. S. 1. 27. 3. 13.       D:  78;  M:  31    Magic Turtle CDK:  12.3;  Greg. 10/3/14